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Yeah, I'm pretty much the same. Still, there are elements of the article's approach that I follow.

  Principle 2a: Every commit must include its own tests
  Principle 2b: Every commit must pass all tests
But otherwise, I don't create branches. My commits are medium sized, one big thing, and to the trunk. My commit messages are at best ok.

After a commit, I git --amend liberally. It's never really clear in my mind when a commit ended and the next one starts. This wouldn't fly in a group.

The one think I'd recommend is Never Type git. That's overstating, but basically git's command line syntax is just terrible AND thus dangerous. I think my one moderate sized git screwup was due to the command line syntax. So now I hide (most of) it behind shell aliases. This guy goes a bit far but you get the idea:


I pull rarely enough that I prefer to type it out.

Also, configure a good diff tool (although Apple seems to reject kdiff3 for now). And .gitignore goes without saying.

Regarding diff tools: suggestions welcome. I've used VIM's three-way diffs, and would prefer to stay in the CLI. But the Jetbrains IDEs come with a great GUI diff tool for Git merge conflicts. I'd love to find something comparable on the CLI.

I use kdiff3 but I only want a visual diff. I'm not using it as a merge tool. VS Code has great git support and great diff support. If it only had better (or rather, more accurate) vim support I'd be there but every time I try, I head back to standard vim with something like VimR. It's been six months and I should try again again.

Thank you.

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