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I agree, they seem to be a scam that once again benefits the rich (lawyers) over the poor (class/clients). More often than not I see the US courts as an extension of elitism and crony capitalism than a system of serving justice. Maybe that's vastly oversimplifying things, but I'd like to see a reasonable justification for this seemingly despicable process of lawyers getting rich off the backs of victims they represent.

>I agree, they seem to be a scam that once again benefits the rich (lawyers) over the poor (class/clients).

Can you elaborate on this? The ones being paid are "the rich", but so are the people paying. The poor aren't getting much out of this, but it's not like they were going to get anything without a class action. After all, if you thought you could get more, you can always opt out of the class action and sue individually.

Sorry I'm a couple of days late for this reply. The goal (or should be the goal) of a class action lawsuit is financial reparations to victims of wrong-doing. An example being faulty vehicle components as a result of manufacturer negligence leading to death or injuries. In this example, the lawyers are making millions off the lawsuits and most likely the victims are getting a very small payout at best. The company gets a slap on the wrist. From what I understand, opting out and suing individually comes with additional obstacles (and potentially less payout) for the legal team and client. When I refer to "the poor" I'm talking about the bottom 90% of income earners that typically make up the pool of "victims" exercising the class action suit.

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