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Pascal was not really used professionally (the original Macintosh toolbox notwithstanding -- Microsoft used C to reimplement it when they developed the Windows API). It was the undergrad teaching language until the recommended curriculum of the ACM replaced it with Java. Neither choice is an excellent technical language for professional use but they're both considered simplistic enough for pedagogy.

If we talk about their importance and longevity, Pascal deserves a spot

It ran in many places in the 70s and was quite popular at the time of Turbo Pascal.

TP compiler was created by Anders Hejlsberg, that later became chief architect of Delphi, that convinced Microsoft to hire him to work as chief architect on C# and now he's a core developer on Typescript.

I thought it used to be one of the most popular languages:


Not sure about the source though.

I recently learned that the programming language for the Navision ERP system (now Microsoft 365 Business Central) is a Pascal variant called AL.

> Pascal was not really used professionally

Delphi was/is used quite a bit professionally.

Of course but it never reached the levels of c, c++, VB or Java usage.

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