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I work at a technology company that knows what apps people run on their computers, but even if I didn't I would no more use an app called "GIMP" than I would one called "FAG". The name is pretty offensive IMHO.

This argument is ridiculous.

In my language, PIXAR means literally "to pee". This leads to inevitably to a couple of jokes when you start talking about this company, and then it stops forever. I'd still be happy to work for this company regardless of its name.

There's thousands of languages in this world. Any word or acronym that you come bay will be likely "offensive" in several of them. It does not really matter. Most people in the world are not native english speakers and "Gimp" means nothing to them.

all the ball bearings in my car have FAG written on them. My car runs on FAGs. Get over it...

To me this kind of discussion always sounds like americans are all a bunch of school teachers trying to prevent their bunch of 10year-olds from giggling. Which, when applied to adults, is a very childish thing to do...

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