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What does this mean for IMAP?

Not much. If you're not using app passwords and your client wants to authenticate using Google auth (e.g. Thunderbird), it has to open the user's browser and setup the oauth flows instead of embedding the browser directly in the app.

It was recently (Oct 8) announced that that Google would provide a 12-month heads-up for stopping less secure app access, so it's my understanding that IMAP is not affected at this point.


If you have "less secure apps" you can still use password. Going forward G is pushing use of XOAUTH2 for IMAP auth.

There was some noise from the PHP group because the imap_* functions don't do XOAUTH2 (but Net_IMAP and Zend IMAP libs do the trick)

Nothing. IMAP doesn't use the web signin form that these changes apply to.

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