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I agree that the Patriot Act was a sad day for America.

Whether it meant to or not the Bush Administration kicked off a lot of terrible stuff for America and for the world. I remember obsessively watching the news after 9/11 and just having a terrible sinking feeling about the road we were preparing for ourselves.

To be a bit fair to them, it's easy to imagine many other administrations, of both parties, behaving similarly, though not in such an extreme way, after 9/11.

I'd like to think that Al Gore specifically, if he was President then, would not have invaded Iraq, and, would not have passed something like the Patriot Act, but the truth is we don't know.

Plus Gore might have paid more attention the the CIA warnings about Al Qaeda.

But again - who knows. And America itself has a lot to work on, on both sides of the political aisle.

And Obama kept these going or even doubled down. Regardless of your own political lean that particular area of bipartisanship is interesting.

He did, with the drone wars and such. Yeah - presidential power tends to accrue.

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