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Not sure what you mean, but just open street view on a random housing unit in Italy or Spain, and compare that with a random housing unit in Belgium or Denmark.

Blinds on the outside keep heat away from the glass and avoid turning your house into a greenhouse.

You meantioned ""real" blinds on the outside". I've lived with these in Germany years ago (modern construction, totally integrated into the window design). I recently started thinking about this in the context of an east facing window wall in NM, which could use some solar blocking for 3 months of the year. Wondered if you were thinking of any particular kind of ""real" blinds on the outside" ...

I have no idea what would be available in the US. I found out the name in English is louver shutters.

Places that have big storms have these things called storm shutters, but I haven't seen a home that has it for thermal reasons. My experience is limited to the Midwest United States though.

I'm pretty sure that either German-style roller shutters or louver shutters would accomplish the goal. As long as the sun gets prevented from hitting the window.

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