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Well, those experimental communities always fail. Too disorder results in an beautiful experiment collapsing.

The real problem is that these experimental communities need to have some type of binding social customs to govern the group. The Native Americans existed for millienialiums existed by having an agreed-upon binding social customs that held their society without formal written law.

In this case, these groups do not have take time to really develop these social customs or beliefs and guess what their experiment blows up. And chaos and strife breaksout which results in people dead.

IN a society as complex as the US, the rule of law and strong faith in institutions leads to a stable democratic institutions. These people fail to grasp that reality and the investment firm decides go to Arizona.

In reality, Seattle is better managed city than the wild west of Phoenix. But again, we are seeing the devastating effects when leaders do not put in faith into the institutions that they created and then as a result, chaos results which is a huge virus spike.

Phoenix is not a place that I would put a business knowing that long-term effects of climate change. If I want to keep a business for longer than ten years, I would not put it that town. I would rather put into Seattle than Phoenix.

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