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For a really interesting background to the painting, see [1].

The painting originally had no name. A 1715 copy gave it the name "Officers and other civic guardsmen of District II of Amsterdam, under the command of Captain Frans Banninck Cocq and Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburch". A 1797 engraving added the nickname "Night Watch".

So today, the painting's preferred full name is [2] in Dutch:

* "Officieren en andere schutters van wijk II in Amsterdam onder leiding van kapitein Frans Banninck Cocq en luitenant Willem van Ruytenburch, bekend als de ‘Nachtwacht’"

and in English:

* "Officers and other civic guardsmen of District II of Amsterdam, under the command of Captain Frans Banninck Cocq and Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburch, known as the ‘Night Watch’"

[1] https://jhna.org/articles/amsterdam-civic-guard-portraits-wi...

[2] http://www.getty.edu/cona/CONAFullSubject.aspx?subid=7000018...

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