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How is that bold? It's common knowledge.

It's bold of the author to admit that they are carefully tracking and monitoring everyone using this site to create and enhance profiles on them, particularly given the context of the article.

This particular site has no external trackers or analytics scripts.

But the claim made in the article is that "every step you take on the web, every site you visit, every page you view, is used to create and enhance a profile about you. Everything you do is carefully tracked and monitored."

Obviously, if this is true, then it must be true for that site as well. Otherwise that assertion is just FUD and hyperbole, and it undermines the credibility of the argument being made about the scale of the evil of the modern web, and the necessity of a simpler, non-HTML based protocol to avoid those evils.

All traffic is monitored by the countless agencies around the world, the datacenters, the isps, spyware, malicious browser extensions, companies "helping" you by making a backup of your bookmarks and history, and so on, so it is definitely true for this site aswell.

In that sense, it would be true for gopher as well.

But the article is clearly describing javascript, analytics and tracking within HTML, with the solution being Gopher's "featurelessness." But it's possible to build an HTML page without analytics and tracking, or even with non-malicious javascript, so the premise that the only way to escape that is to leave the web entirely for simpler and more restrictive pastures is untrue.

Not that the point needs to be belabored but it's worth pointing out that the article opens with a patent falsehood.

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