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Just to add my two cents, I worked at a Best Buy Mobile (the ones that were in the mall) for 3 years during college, between 2014-2017.

1. I had no issues with not being allowed to leave on time. Of course we were incentivised to sell GSPs with as many products as possible, I was never not allowed to leave on time if I didn't sell enough.

2. Never had to give up a sale just cause I didn't attach GSP or accessories.

3. Agreed here.

Unfortunately, I think you had bad management. With my manager, I never felt like I had to resort to scummy practices to get decent numbers. And maybe it was a district-wide thing, cause all my friends at other Best Buys (whether big box or mobile), had the same perception.

I still have many friends who work there, and to this day recommend it to people who are looking for a part-time job.

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