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> alleviate whatever hypothetical issue the OP is referring to

That "hypothetical" the OP referred to is the VPN provider keeping logs (or more logs than they advertise) and providing them when asked to the authorities.

It's not really that hypothetical. There was a link here today about a "no log" VPN service that apparently did that.

> I understand that sentiment but a technological work around (that probably also has captured data points)

Tor is a technology that specifically answers the issue the OP brought up, which is over-trust in a single entity to preserve anonymity. Nothing's perfect, but Tor is better than both the "VPN provider" option the OP was warning people away from and from your snarky "what and use Comcast?" option.

> but a technological work around ... seems at best naive to this layman.

You'll have to elaborate why the use of better (if imperfect) technology is "at best naive."

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