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Whippet progress update: funding, features, future (wingolog.org)
3 points by ingve 2 days ago | past | discuss
Finalizers, Guardians, Phantom References (wingolog.org)
6 points by ingve 4 days ago | past | discuss
Copying collectors with block-structured heaps are unreliable (wingolog.org)
59 points by ingve 16 days ago | past | 16 comments
CPS in Hoot (wingolog.org)
68 points by wglb 29 days ago | past | 10 comments
Static single assignment for functional programmers (2011) (wingolog.org)
8 points by posix_monad 51 days ago | past | 2 comments
Continuation-passing-style (CPS) in Hoot (wingolog.org)
3 points by ingve 60 days ago | past
Hoot's WASM Toolkit (wingolog.org)
2 points by nickmain 63 days ago | past
Hoot's WASM Toolkit (wingolog.org)
7 points by todsacerdoti 63 days ago | past
Growing a Bootie (wingolog.org)
30 points by ingve 65 days ago | past | 2 comments
Hoot, on Boot (wingolog.org)
2 points by pmatos 71 days ago | past
On hoot, on boot (wingolog.org)
83 points by davexunit 71 days ago | past | 15 comments
Partitioning Pitfalls for Generational Collectors (wingolog.org)
3 points by ingve 74 days ago | past
Tree-shaking, the horticulturally misguided algorithm (2023) (wingolog.org)
247 points by andsoitis 3 months ago | past | 145 comments
Developing V8 with Guix (2015) (wingolog.org)
1 point by thunderbong 4 months ago | past
Hacking V8 with Guix, Bis (wingolog.org)
2 points by kryster 4 months ago | past
Nombrilliant, – On Being Middle Aged (wingolog.org)
18 points by olvy0 5 months ago | past | 4 comments
On the impossibility of composing finalizers and FFI (wingolog.org)
46 points by ingve 5 months ago | past | 48 comments
Guix on the Framework 13 AMD (wingolog.org)
247 points by ingve 5 months ago | past | 188 comments
A New Concurrent ML (wingolog.org)
2 points by todsacerdoti 5 months ago | past | 1 comment
Tekuti (wingolog.org)
3 points by Tomte 6 months ago | past
Micro Macro Story Time (wingolog.org)
1 point by Tomte 6 months ago | past
Missing the Point of WebAssembly (wingolog.org)
199 points by ryukafalz 6 months ago | past | 142 comments
V8's precise field-logging remembered set (wingolog.org)
1 point by luu 6 months ago | past
Missing the Point of WebAssembly (wingolog.org)
8 points by davexunit 6 months ago | past
Scheme modules vs. whole-program compilation: fight (wingolog.org)
83 points by davexunit 6 months ago | past | 2 comments
The last 5 years of V8's garbage collector – wingolog (wingolog.org)
1 point by PaulHoule 7 months ago | past
A Simple HDR Histogram (wingolog.org)
2 points by signa11 7 months ago | past
A Simple HDR Histogram (wingolog.org)
1 point by signa11 7 months ago | past
A Simple HDR Histogram (wingolog.org)
1 point by signa11 7 months ago | past
A Simple HDR Histogram (wingolog.org)
1 point by ingve 7 months ago | past

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