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Are You a Workaholic? (knowablemagazine.org)
1 point by Brajeshwar 3 days ago | past | discuss
Abracadabra How magic can help us understand animal minds (knowablemagazine.org)
2 points by quxinxin 3 days ago | past | discuss
It's not just us: Other animals change their social habits in old age (knowablemagazine.org)
2 points by pseudolus 8 days ago | past | discuss
Animals use physics? Let us count the ways (knowablemagazine.org)
2 points by BerislavLopac 11 days ago | past | discuss
The greening of planes, trains and automobiles (knowablemagazine.org)
2 points by iTokio 19 days ago | past
The greening of planes, trains and automobiles (knowablemagazine.org)
4 points by Brajeshwar 21 days ago | past
Nature interrupted: Impact of the US-Mexico border wall on wildlife (knowablemagazine.org)
1 point by bikenaga 26 days ago | past
A scientific mission to save the sharks (knowablemagazine.org)
3 points by PaulHoule 34 days ago | past
Radioactive drugs strike cancer with precision (knowablemagazine.org)
70 points by Brajeshwar 41 days ago | past | 20 comments
A scientific mission to save the sharks (knowablemagazine.org)
2 points by Brajeshwar 43 days ago | past
A lifetime of love for the charismatic narwhal (knowablemagazine.org)
25 points by bookofjoe 52 days ago | past | 1 comment
To pee or not to pee? That is a question for the bladder–and the brain (knowablemagazine.org)
4 points by isaacfrond 52 days ago | past | 1 comment
The hornet has landed: Scientists combat new honeybee killer in US (knowablemagazine.org)
17 points by PaulHoule 53 days ago | past | 2 comments
Spots, stripes and more: Working out the logic of animal patterns (knowablemagazine.org)
1 point by bookofjoe 57 days ago | past
Spots, stripes and more: Working out the logic of animal patterns (knowablemagazine.org)
77 points by prismatic 58 days ago | past | 8 comments
The hornet has landed: Scientists combat new honeybee killer in US (knowablemagazine.org)
3 points by freeqaz 60 days ago | past
The hornet has landed: Scientists combat new honeybee killer in US (knowablemagazine.org)
1 point by arittr 61 days ago | past
Spots, stripes and more: Working out the logic of animal patterns (knowablemagazine.org)
1 point by rntn 61 days ago | past
Spots, stripes and more: Working out the logic of animal patterns (knowablemagazine.org)
2 points by sohkamyung 63 days ago | past
The hornet has landed: Scientists combat new honeybee killer in US (knowablemagazine.org)
2 points by rntn 64 days ago | past
What's Next in the Ozempic Era? (knowablemagazine.org)
1 point by PaulHoule 70 days ago | past
The wasps that tamed viruses (knowablemagazine.org)
1 point by gsky 76 days ago | past
The wasps that tamed viruses (knowablemagazine.org)
6 points by PaulHoule 77 days ago | past
The wasps that tamed viruses (knowablemagazine.org)
5 points by rntn 77 days ago | past
The wasps that tamed viruses (knowablemagazine.org)
3 points by sohkamyung 79 days ago | past
From toxic fungus to soy sauce superstar (knowablemagazine.org)
2 points by sohkamyung 83 days ago | past
How next-gen data analytics is changing American football (knowablemagazine.org)
1 point by PaulHoule 85 days ago | past
New tech is making geothermal energy a more versatile power source (knowablemagazine.org)
2 points by PaulHoule 3 months ago | past | 3 comments
Should you take Vitamin D? (knowablemagazine.org)
7 points by Brajeshwar 3 months ago | past | 1 comment
Why are there so many beetle species? (knowablemagazine.org)
68 points by PaulHoule 3 months ago | past | 57 comments

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