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Bayesian Statistics: The three cultures (columbia.edu)
231 points by luu 13 hours ago | past | 88 comments
The piranha problem: Large effects swimming in a small pond (columbia.edu)
2 points by racional 4 days ago | past | discuss
What is the probability your vote will make a difference? [pdf] (columbia.edu)
2 points by btdmaster 4 days ago | past | discuss
Google is violating the First Law of Robotics (columbia.edu)
3 points by nabla9 10 days ago | past | discuss
Physical Intuition vs. "Math" (columbia.edu)
3 points by mellosouls 16 days ago | past | 3 comments
The Early History and Impact of Unix Tools (columbia.edu)
2 points by fisheuler 19 days ago | past
The State of Statistics in 1990 (columbia.edu)
2 points by EndXA 21 days ago | past
You can guarantee that the term "statistical guarantee" will irritate me (columbia.edu)
4 points by Tomte 21 days ago | past
Grappling with uncertainty in forecasting the 2024 U.S. presidential election (columbia.edu)
2 points by mikebike 23 days ago | past
Physical Intuition vs. "Math" (columbia.edu)
2 points by jjgreen 26 days ago | past
Well-known paradox of R-squared is still buggin me (columbia.edu)
71 points by luu 26 days ago | past | 103 comments
Latest Breakthrough from String Theory (columbia.edu)
6 points by xqcgrek2 28 days ago | past
An Earthquake Changed the Course of the Ganges (columbia.edu)
3 points by gmays 30 days ago | past
Implicit assumptions in the Tversky/Kahneman example of blue and green taxicabs (columbia.edu)
1 point by Tomte 34 days ago | past
The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules the World (2020) (columbia.edu)
5 points by Bluestein 37 days ago | past | 1 comment
Well-known paradox of R-squared is still buggin me. Can you help me out? (columbia.edu)
2 points by Tomte 39 days ago | past
Cascadia Subduction Zone, One of Earth's Top Hazards, Comes into Sharper Focus (columbia.edu)
3 points by gmays 41 days ago | past
What has happened down here is the winds have changed (2016) (columbia.edu)
2 points by emmelaich 41 days ago | past
Statistics Blunder at the Supreme Court (columbia.edu)
23 points by Tomte 42 days ago | past | 11 comments
Strings 2024 (columbia.edu)
1 point by chmaynard 51 days ago | past
Physicists create molecular Bose-Einstein condensates (columbia.edu)
36 points by geox 53 days ago | past | 7 comments
When the story becomes the story (Nudge, Thaler, Sunstein and academic succes) (columbia.edu)
1 point by nabla9 54 days ago | past
Whassup with those economists who predicted a recession that then didn't happen? (columbia.edu)
2 points by jyunwai 56 days ago | past | 1 comment
AI and the Copyright Liability Overhang (columbia.edu)
1 point by hobermallow 56 days ago | past
"the income of the average American will double approximately every 39 years"? (columbia.edu)
3 points by luu 58 days ago | past | 2 comments
Three takes on the protests at Columbia University (columbia.edu)
1 point by Tomte 58 days ago | past
Wormholes, Part Deux (columbia.edu)
3 points by jjgreen 60 days ago | past
Best way to understand how a method works? Construct scenarios where it fails (columbia.edu)
3 points by rossdavidh 61 days ago | past
Generative Camera Dolly: Extreme Monocular Dynamic Novel View Synthesis (columbia.edu)
1 point by jasondavies 63 days ago | past
More Schooling Is Linked to Slowed Aging and Increased Longevity (columbia.edu)
2 points by XnoiVeX 64 days ago | past

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