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Getting to the bottom of web map performance (bdon.org)
104 points by hampelm on Oct 12, 2021 | past | 40 comments
Getting to the bottom of web map performance (bdon.org)
1 point by conroy on Oct 11, 2021 | past
Should web maps be centralized services? (bdon.org)
1 point by vortex_ape on Dec 26, 2020 | past
Should web maps be centralized services? (bdon.org)
3 points by bdon on Dec 21, 2020 | past
Show HN: San Francisco MUNI Transit Delays, Visualized (bdon.org)
86 points by bdon on Aug 4, 2014 | past | 32 comments
Quantifying consumption behaviors of over 15,000 rap songs (bdon.org)
2 points by blazamos on Oct 8, 2013 | past
Show HN: 1,053,713 buildings in New York City, shaded by year of construction (bdon.org)
96 points by bdon on Sept 12, 2013 | past | 34 comments
Show HN: Visualizing transit delays in real time for SF MUNI (bdon.org)
58 points by bdon on Sept 9, 2013 | past | 11 comments

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