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Server Connection Bookmarks

Dan Sosedoff edited this page Jun 17, 2023 · 6 revisions

When using pgweb you might find that there's no way to quickly establish connection to a server even if you've connected to it many times before. Thats's correct, pgweb does not keep track of those connections. So bookmarks feature comes into play. It basically allows you to keep connection settings to your most frequent servers as a bookmarks with credentials stored in a file on your local filesystem, encoded as TOML. Bookmark files are stored in ~/.pgweb/bookmarks directory.

Here's an example of a bookmark file (~/.pgweb/bookmarks/local-server.toml):

host = "localhost"
port = 5432
user = "postgres"
database = "mydatabase"
sslmode = "disable"

Here's an example of a bookmark file with SSH options (~/.pgweb/bookmarks/ssh-tunnel-to-db.toml). Use this to create an SSH connection through a "Jump server" using an SSH credential file, to another database (such as AWS RDS):

host = ""
port = 5432
user = "rds-username"
password = "rds-password"
database = "rds-database-name"

host = ""
user = "ec2-user"
key = "/path/to/key-file"
key_password = "key-file-password"

To keep your config short, you can also just define a url:

url = "postgres:https://user:password@host:port/database?sslmode=mode"

Keeping server bookmarks as files is very handy, you can sync those as git repository or in Dropbox. TOML format is also very simple and similar to INI format. Other formats, such as YAML or JSON, could also be supported in future.

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