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Dan Sosedoff edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 2 revisions

Ongoing pgweb development is currently done on OSX Yosemite operating system. If you're using Linux, there's a big chance that everything will just work with no additional steps required to build software.

Most of the tasks are managed through Makefile:

Task                 : Description
-----------------    : -------------------
make setup           : Install all necessary dependencies
make dev             : Generate development build
make build           : Generate production build for current OS
make bootstrap       : Install cross-compilation toolchain
make release         : Generate binaries for all supported OSes
make test            : Execute test suite
make test-all        : Execute test suite on multiple PG versions
make clean           : Remove all build files and reset assets
make assets          : Generate production assets file
make dev-assets      : Generate development assets file
make docker          : Build docker image
make docker-release  : Build and tag docker image
make docker-push     : Push docker images to registry

To see usage, just run make with no arguments.

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