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Tags: lsgs/redcap-dag-switcher



Toggle 1.4.0's commit message
Override built-in DAG Switcher

Override built-in DAG Switcher from REDCap v9.8.0 because that version does not handle >10k users x dags.


Toggle 1.3.0's commit message
New features and bug fixes

New features and bug fixes:
- Enable search
- Paging instead of scrollY, rows per page setting in module config
- Max width for left dag/user name column to better handle long dag/user names
- Increase table width


Toggle 1.2.4's commit message
Fix left column

Use fixedColumns: { leftColumns: 1 } so can see DAG/user name when sccrolling horizontally.


Toggle 1.2.3's commit message
Fix sorting in user switch dropdown and user rights page

Fix sorting of DAG names in user switch dropdown and user rights page popovers


Toggle 1.2.2's commit message
Fix case-insensitive sorting of dag and user names

Fix case-insensitive sorting of dag and user names which can lead to tick boxes in user/dag config appearing in the wrong coumn.


Toggle 1.2.1's commit message
Store user-dag mapping in modules settings, emove config default values

1. Change so user-dag mappings stored in module project setting instead of redcap_log_event table so can get copied when copying a project.
2. Remove default values from config.json as deprecated (instead set defaults when enabling module).


Toggle 1.1.3's commit message
Fixes for User Rights page popovers

Fixes for User Rights page popovers


Toggle 1.1.2's commit message
Update for jQuery 3 (REDCap 8.7.0+)

Change $(window).load(function(){}); to $(window).on('load', function(){});


Toggle 1.1.1's commit message
Fix exception from SendItController route

Fix exception when using SendIt for project files e.g. export results


Toggle 1.1.0's commit message
Release 1.1.0: Enable DAG switch via API, disable config for superusers

New functionality for release 1.1.0:
* Enable DAG switch via API
* Diisable DAG-user mapping config for superusers (it is not applicable because superusers always see all records)

Bug fix:
* JSON encode quotes in DAG names when rwiting to var in User Rights page