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Haries Ramdhani edited this page Jan 23, 2017 · 2 revisions

Day 4 - January 23, 2017

During the weekend I re-learned my rusty statistics and R-programming by R swirl package (well it is nice to be able to learn R again after a year of not programming in R).

The other day I installed edgeR library of Bioconductor, a package that I will be using to analyze differential expression of RNA-Seq data. So today, I mostly focused on how to analyze differential expression from RNA-seq data using edgeR, tried to understand how it works and maybe I can implement such thing in Python (The other day I found Python's `GEOQuery' library, an open-source project which I think still needs improvement).

-h Ubuntu terminal

I learned how to analyze the RNA-Seq of oral carcinomas vs matched normal tissue data (ref: edgeR User Guide pg. 43). Tried to solve the bioinformatics problem on Bioinformatics Contest 7 and tried to contribute to GEOparse project in GitHub because I found that the project is very cool.

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