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Haries Ramdhani edited this page Jan 22, 2017 · 5 revisions

#Day 1 - January 18, 2017

Today, I continued writing the code and added two more implementations, eSummary and FTP. eSummary had been implemented to the code so instead of only printing out the UIDs as the output, it will also print out the title of the UIDs. FTP implementations hadn't been 100%ly done because I'm still trying to understand it by reading the readme. Also I spent like 30% of the time configuring the repository.

###New Implementation

-h Ubuntu terminal

If the query returns any result the `UIDs` together with the titles will be printed out as the output and a question whether the user wants to download the data sets or not will pop out, if the query returns no result the program ends.

-h Ubuntu terminal

Answering `yes` or `YES` or `Yes` will then ask the user the desired `UIDs` and after inputting the desired `UIDs` the user will be asked about the format that user intended.

-h Ubuntu terminal

At the moment the code has not been finished yet and also I'm still thinking to come up with a faster algorithm because I believe the execution time can be a lot faster

###Minor Changes and Addition of FTP Download

-h Ubuntu terminal

Now the FTP works and some bugs are fixed, it will download the file to the specified directory or to the folder where the code is executed if the directory is not specified.
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