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SDG series as RDF Data Cubes

Szymon Klarman edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 40 revisions

In this section we describe the representation of SDG statistical data (series) in the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary - currently, the most popular RDF vocabulary, and a W3C recommendation for representing statistical data. The RDF Data Cube representation is compatible with the SDMX data model. A number of modeling choices adopted here have been based on the recommendations established in the research survey "On modeling linked open statistical data", by Kalampokis, Et Al.

The complete representation of the SDG data series release 2019.Q2.G.01 is included in the files: sdg-series-data-cubes-metadata.ttl and

As an example we use the following slice from the series SP_DYN_ADKL:

    "seriesCode": "SP_DYN_ADKL",
    "seriesDesc": "Adolescent birth rate (per 1,000 women aged 15-19 years)",
    "release": "2019.Q2.G.01",
    "geoAreaCode": "004",
    "geoAreaName": "Afghanistan",
    "ageCode": "Y15T19",
    "ageDesc": "15 to 19 years old",
    "sexCode": "F",
    "sexDesc": "Female",
    "unitsCode": "PER_1000_POP",
    "unitsDesc": "Per 1,000 population",
    "value_2000": "193.8",
    "value_2003": "151.8",
    "value_2005": "117.4",
    "value_2006": "126.2",
    "value_2007": "103.0",
    "value_2008": "90.0",
    "value_2009": "80.0",
    "value_2011": "125.7",
    "value_2013": "87.0",
    "value_2014": "77.2"

We assume the following prefix declarations:

PREFIX qb: <http:>
PREFIX skos: <http:>
PREFIX rdfs: <http:>
PREFIX sdgc: <http:>
PREFIX xsd: <http:>
PREFIX schema: <http:> 

Firstly, we define the metadata for all data cube dimension properties (qb:DimensionProperty), measure properties (qb:MeasureProperty) and the dedicated property for associating units with observed values (sdgc:units):

<http:> a qb:MeasureProperty .
<http:> rdfs:label "Adolescent birth rate (per 1,000 women aged 15-19 years)"@en .

sdgc:age a qb:DimensionProperty .
sdgc:age qb:codeList sdgc:ageCodes .

sdgc:sex a qb:DimensionProperty .
sdgc:sex qb:codeList sdgc:sexCodes .

sdgc:geoArea a qb:DimensionProperty .
sdgc:geoArea qb:codeList sdgc:geoAreaCodes .

sdgc:year a qb:DimensionProperty .

sdgc:units rdfs:subPropertyOf <http:> .
sdgc:units qb:codeList sdgc:unitsCodes .

Note that all properties with dedicated set of coded values are linked to those corresponding code lists via qb:codeList predicate. A detailed description of the representation of all coded properties and their code values as SKOS concept schemes is provided in section SDG data cube properties and codes schemes.

The complete metadata for cube properties for series release 2019.Q2.G.01 is included in the file: sdg-series-data-cubes-metadata.ttl.

Further, we define RDF data cubes using the multi-layer representation involving qb:DataSet, qb:DataStructureDefinition, qb:SliceKey, qb:Slice, and qb:Observation. Every data series corresponds in this model to a unique data cube dataset (http:, which in fact is the URI of the series itself - see SDG knowledge organization system) and to a unique measure property that the series captures (http:

<http:> a qb:DataSet .
<http:> schema:version "2019.Q2.G.01" .
<http:> qb:structure <http:> .  
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> qb:slice <http:> .

<http:> a qb:DataStructureDefinition .
<http:> qb:component <http:> . 
<http:> qb:component <http:> . 
<http:> qb:component <http:> . 
<http:> qb:component <http:> . 
<http:> qb:component <http:> . 
<http:> qb:dimension sdgc:age .
<http:> qb:dimension sdgc:sex .
<http:> qb:dimension sdgc:year .
<http:> qb:dimension sdgc:geoArea .
<http:> qb:measure <http:> .
<http:> qb:sliceKey <http:> .

As SDG series are organized in slices along the temporal dimension, we follow the same convention and associate each dataset with a unique (temporal) slice key (http: Its role is to define the data structure for slices that group together all observations from different years while fixing the specific selection of code values for every other dimension but the year on the slice-level.

<http:> a qb:SliceKey .
<http:> rdfs:label "slice by years"@en;
<http:> rdfs:comment "Temporal slice of SP_DYN_ADKL (all years grouped together, while other dimensions fixed at specific values.)"@en;
<http:> qb:componentProperty sdgc:age .
<http:> qb:componentProperty sdgc:sex .
<http:> qb:componentProperty sdgc:geoArea .

<http:> a qb:Slice .
<http:> qb:sliceStructure <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:age <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:sex <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:geoArea <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .
<http:> qb:observation <http:> .

Finally, each observation grouped within a specific slice contains the year of the observation and the value of the observed, measured property. To ease interpretation, the units already included on the dataset-level, are attached again to each observation.

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2000"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "193.8" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2003"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "151.8" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2005"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "117.4" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2006"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "126.2" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2007"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "103.0" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2008"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "90.0" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2009"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "80.0" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2011"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "125.7" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2013"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "87.0" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

<http:> a qb:Observation .
<http:> qb:dataSet <http:> .
<http:> sdgc:year "2013"^^xsd:gYear .
<http:> <http:> "77.2" .
<http:> sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure <http:> .

The complete representation of statistical data for the series release 2019.Q2.G.01 is included in the file

The script for converting the original CSV files to RDF is available as part of this repository.

Querying SDG statistical series data via GraphQL

In order to ease access to the RDF representation of the SDG statistical series data, the data has been also exposed via a GraphQL API, available via the following Apollo Server playground: http:

Example query

  DataSet(series: SL_DOM_TSPDCW) {
    structure {
      measure {
      dimension {
    slice(geoArea: _246, sex: [F, M], location: U) {
      geoArea {
      sex {
      age {
      location {
      observation(year: [2000, 2010]) {

The API responds with usual JSON objects, which can be mapped back to RDF using a supplied JSON-LD context. This context can be engaged by adding the following accept header to the GraphQL request:

"Accept": "application/ld+json"

For instance consider the following query:

  DataSet(series: SL_DOM_TSPDCW) {
    structure {
      measure {
      dimension {

The basic response (with the default header) is the JSON object:

  "data": {
    "JSON_LD_CONTEXT": "",
    "DataSet": {
      "_id": "http:",
      "_type": "DataSet",
      "label": "Proportion of time spent on unpaid care work, by sex, age and location (%)",
      "structure": {
        "_id": "http:",
        "_type": "DataStructureDefinition",
        "measure": {
          "_id": "http:",
          "_type": "MeasureProperty",
          "label": "The value of the measured property at a particular period"
        "dimension": [
            "_id": "http:",
            "_type": "Code",
            "label": "geographical area",
            "notation": "geoArea",
            "sdmxDSDcode": "REF_AREA"
            "_id": "http:",
            "_type": "Code",
            "label": "location",
            "notation": "location",
            "sdmxDSDcode": "URBANISATION"
            "_id": "http:",
            "_type": "Code",
            "label": "sex",
            "notation": "sex",
            "sdmxDSDcode": "SEX"
            "_id": "http:",
            "_type": "Code",
            "label": "age",
            "notation": "age",
            "sdmxDSDcode": "AGE"
            "_id": "http:",
            "_type": "Code",
            "label": "year,
            "notation": "year",
            "sdmxDSDcode": "TIME_PERIOD"

However, when accompanied by the application/ld+json accept header it is extended with two JSON-LD-specific key-value pairs:

  1. "@context": ""
  2. "@id": "@graph"
    "data": {
        "@context": "",
        "@id": "@graph",
        "DataSet": {
            "_id": "http:",
            "_type": "DataSet",
            "label": "Proportion of time spent on unpaid care work, by sex, age and location (%)",
            "structure": {
                "_id": "http:",
                "_type": "DataStructureDefinition",
                "measure": {
                    "_id": "http:",
                    "_type": "MeasureProperty",
                    "label": "The value of the measured property at a particular period"
                "dimension": [
                        "_id": "http:",
                        "_type": "Code",
                        "label": "geographical area",
                        "notation": "geoArea",
                        "sdmxDSDcode": "REF_AREA"
                        "_id": "http:",
                        "_type": "Code",
                        "label": "location",
                        "notation": "location",
                        "sdmxDSDcode": "URBANISATION"
                        "_id": "http:",
                        "_type": "Code",
                        "label": "sex",
                        "notation": "sex",
                        "sdmxDSDcode": "SEX"
                        "_id": "http:",
                        "_type": "Code",
                        "label": "age",
                        "notation": "age",
                        "sdmxDSDcode": "AGE"
                        "_id": "http:",
                        "_type": "Code",
                        "label": "year",
                        "notation": "year",
                        "sdmxDSDcode": "TIME_PERIOD"

Due to this extension the data part of the response object can be straightforwardly converted to the RDF N-Triples format using the standard JSON-LD library, resulting in the following RDF graph:

<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> "Proportion of time spent on unpaid care work, by sex, age and location (%)" .
<http:> <http:> "AGE" .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> "age" .
<http:> <http:> "age" .
<http:> <http:> "REF_AREA" .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> "geographical area" .
<http:> <http:> "geoArea" .
<http:> <http:> "URBANISATION" .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> "location" .
<http:> <http:> "location" .
<http:> <http:> "SEX" .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> "sex" .
<http:> <http:> "sex" .
<http:> <http:> "TIME_PERIOD" .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> "year" .
<http:> <http:> "year" .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> "The value of the measured property at a particular period" .