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SDG Knowledge Organization System

Szymon Klarman edited this page Jan 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

The SDG Knowledge Organization System is a linked data-based vocabulary describing Sustainable Development Goals and related concepts. It is published on Dag Hammarskjöld Library metadata platform and consists of two parts:

The SDG ontology formalizes the basic schema of the SDG goal-target-indicator-series hierarchy, as depicted in the following diagram:

SDG ontology.

To further increase semantic interoperability, the SDG ontology is aligned with the SKOS Core Vocabulary -- one of most broadly adopted, lightweight W3C standards, intended for representing taxonomies and thesauri. This alignment rests on the following set of sub-class and sub-property axioms:

  • sdgo:Goal rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept
  • sdgo:Target rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept
  • sdgo:Indicator rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept
  • sdgo:Series rdfs:subClassOf skos:Concept
  • sdgo:hasTarget rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:narrower
  • sdgo:hasIndicator rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:narrower
  • sdgo:hasSeries rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:narrower
  • sdgo:isTargetOf rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:broader
  • sdgo:isIndicatorOf rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:broader
  • sdgo:isSeriesOf rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:broader

The SDG taxonomy describes the individual SDG entities in the goal-target-indicator-series hierarchy, i.e., goals, targets, indicators & series. Further, it includes a selection of mappings to external vocabularies:

The following JSON-LD object presents an example description of an SDG target 1.1 in SDG KOS dataset:

    "@context": {
        "dct": "http:",
        "skos": "http:",
        "sdgo": "http:"
    "@id": "http:",
    "@type": [
    "skos:prefLabel": [
            "@value": "By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day",
            "@language": "en"
            "@value": "De aquí a 2030, erradicar para todas las personas y en todo el mundo la pobreza extrema (actualmente se considera que sufren pobreza extrema las personas que viven con menos de 1,25 dólares de los Estados Unidos al día)",
            "@language": "es"
            "@value": "D’ici à 2030, éliminer complètement l’extrême pauvreté dans le monde entier (s’entend actuellement du fait de vivre avec moins de 1,25 dollar des États‑Unis par jour)",
            "@language": "fr"
    "skos:altLabel": [
            "@value": "Target 1.1",
            "@language": "en"
            "@value": "Meta 1.1",
            "@language": "es"
            "@value": "Cible 1.1",
            "@language": "fr"
    "sdgo:hasIndicator": [
            "@id": "http:"
    "sdgo:isTargetOf": [
            "@id": "http:"
    "skos:narrower": [
            "@id": "http:"
    "skos:broader": [
            "@id": "http:"
    "skos:exactMatch": [
            "@id": "http:"
    "dct:subject": [
            "@id": "http:"
            "@id": "http:"
            "@id": "http:"
            "@id": "http:"
            "@id": "http:"
            "@id": "http:"
    "skos:notation": [
    "skos:inScheme": {
        "@id": "http:"

skos:exactMatch mappings

Some of the SDG entities are mapped to external resources representing the same concepts in other vocabularies (currently SDGIO and Wikidata). The designated property for representing such mappings is skos:exactMatch. For example, the following are the mappings for all SDG goals:

<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .
<http:> <http:> <http:> .

The mappings are part of the KOS file: sdg-kos-goals-targets-indicators.ttl.

The presence of mappings allows for exploring/fetching additional data from external RDF graphs, following the fundamental concept of the linked open data. The following federated SPARQL query associates each goal in the SDG KOS with the corresponding subject descriptions and images for those goals in Wikidata:

PREFIX sdgo: <http:>
PREFIX skos: <http:>
PREFIX dct: <http:>
PREFIX rdfs: <http:>
	  GRAPH <http:> {  
        ?x a sdgo:Goal .
        ?x skos:exactMatch ?y .
        FILTER(CONTAINS(str(?y), "wikidata"))
    SERVICE <> {
        ?y <http:> ?wikiSubject .
        ?wikiSubject rdfs:label ?lab .
        FILTER (lang(?lab)="en")
        ?y <http:> ?image .


|x                            |y                                       |wikiSubject                             |lab                    |image                                                                                       |
|http: |http:|http:   |poverty                |http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |sustainable development|http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |hunger                 |http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |sustainable development|http: |
|http: |http:|http:|welfare                |http: |
|http: |http:|http:   |health care            |http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |sustainable development|http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |sustainable development|http: |
|http: |http:|http:    |education              |http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |gender equality        |http: |
|http: |http:|http:     |water                  |http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |sanitation             |http: |
|http: |http:|http: |energy production      |http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |economic growth        |http: |
|http: |http:|http:    |industry               |http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |infrastructure         |http: |
|http: |http:|http:  |innovation             |http: |
|http:|http:|http:|social equality        |http:|
|http:|http:|http:     |city                   |http:|
|http:|http:|http:  |human settlement       |http:|
|http:|http:|http:  |consumption            |http:|
|http:|http:|http:  |production             |http:|
|http:|http:|http:  |climate change         |http:|
|http:|http:|http:   |ecosystem              |http:|
|http:|http:|http:       |life                   |http:|
|http:|http:|http:   |biodiversity           |http:|
|http:|http:|http:   |ecosystem              |http:|
|http:|http:|http:   |biodiversity           |http:|
|http:|http:|http:  |institution            |http:|
|http:|http:|http:     |peace                  |http:|
|http:|http:|http:  |conflict               |http:|
|http:|http:|http: |justice                |http:|
|http:|http:|http:  |partnership            |http:|