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Remote Path Mappings

methanoid edited this page Apr 8, 2022 · 2 revisions


Downloader mappings tell radarr, sonarr, and lidarr where to look for downloads on your server.

PTS utilizes these mappings to enable hard linking. Files will process almost immediately with these mappings and with PTS 8.3+.

Without these mappings, files are forced to being copied instead of moved/renamed. This means that without these mappings, your storage device is doing 2x the work needed, and requires 2x in free disk space. This also causes a lot of IOWait reported in netdata and causes extra wear on your storage device.

PTS uses a union filesystem (mergerfs, aka /mnt/unionfs), we do this so everything is visible inside /mnt/unionfs even though it may actually be stored somewhere else. This allows plex and other apps instant access to the file in 1 unified location, even though it may physically move during the PTS process.

However there are technical limitations when using a union file system. File operations must stay within the union to work as expected. So to "trick" sonarr/radarr/lidarr into staying inside the union, we use "remote path mappings" to rewrite the paths. sonarr/radarr/lidarr will rewrite the path with one that is inside /mnt/unionfs. This means when importing, files can be hardlinked, which is instant and efficient.

The import operation simply renames and moves the files from your downloader into your sonarr/radarr/lidarr library, /mnt/unionfs/category. The real location of these files will be /mnt/downloads/category. This is due to technical limitation of how a union file system works! Rename/Move operations cannot cross file-system boundaries, meaning it can't hardlink them from /mnt/downloads into /mnt/move, it can only do that by copying the file, which is wasteful. This is because /mnt/unionfs is it's own virtual file-system, a union of multiple directories, which looks like 1 directory.

To overcome this technical limitation, the blitz/move script will detect the imported files inside /mnt/downloads/category and move them to /mnt/move/category before uploading. If there was a way to have sonarr/lidarr/radarr import files stright into into /mnt/move/category, without losing performance, then we would do that.

Standard Download Mappings

IMPORTANT: It's very important you get this exactly right. The host should be all lowercase and the paths are case sensitive. Failure to set these mappings or do them correctly will cause other issues.

For each downloader you use, you need to setup a remote mapping per downloader. 1 mapping is required for each downloader you use. The downloaders must already be installed before proceeding as it will refuse to save, if the path does not exist.

If you decide to try another downloader, you'll probably forget about these required mappings and then run into issues. So we recommend adding all of them, even if you don't use them all.

Important Info

  • Copy and paste these mappings into your sonarr/radarr/lidarr config.
  • Keep the host all lowercase, it doesn't matter what you did, keep it lowercase!
  • the paths must be 100% the same as we have listed here, again copy and paste.
  • DO NOT change or add additional folders or categories to the end of these paths!
  • DO NOT change the host, do not add your domain url, leave it alone!
Host Remote Path Local Path
sabnzbd /mnt/downloads/nzb/ /mnt/unionfs/nzb/
nzbget /mnt/downloads/nzb/ /mnt/unionfs/nzb/
qbittorrent /mnt/downloads/qbittorrent/ /mnt/unionfs/qbittorrent/
rutorrent /mnt/downloads/torrent/ /mnt/unionfs/torrent/
deluge /mnt/downloads/deluge/ /mnt/unionfs/deluge/

VPN Downloaders

Host Remote Path Local Path
qbittorrent-vpn /mnt/downloads/qbittorrentvpn/ /mnt/unionfs/qbittorrentvpn/
rutorrent-vpn /mnt/downloads/rutorrentvpn/ /mnt/unionfs/rutorrentvpn/
deluge-vpn /mnt/downloads/delugevpn/ /mnt/unionfs/delugevpn/
transmission-vpn /mnt/downloads/delugevpn/ /mnt/unionfs/delugevpn/
rflood-vpn /mnt/downloads/rfloodvpn/ /mnt/unionfs/rfloodvpn/

Use this image as a reference, once your done, it should look like this! Remember you need to do it in sonarr & radarr, lidarr too if you use it.


Different processing path?

Replace /mnt with your processing location.

For example, if you configured /mymedia as your processing disk:

Host Remote Path Local Path
sabnzbd /mymedia/downloads/nzb/ /mnt/unionfs/nzb/

Downloaders on a different server than Sonarr/Radarr/Lidarr?

Note This is only for the rare case for those who have separate servers for downloading and processing. Change the host to and leave the rest the same.

Host Remote Path Local Path /mymedia/downloads/nzb/ /mnt/unionfs/nzb/

Useful Starter Links

  1. Introduction
  2. G-Suite Signup
  3. Recommended NewsHosts
  4. Change Log

Prior Planning 101

  1. Recommended Pre-Reading
  2. Server - Storage Planning
  3. Usenet or BitTorrent
  4. PTS Editions
  5. PTS Folder Structure
  6. PTS-Repos
  7. Common Issues

Deploy & Config

  1. SSH Server Access
  2. Install PTS
  3. WatchTower
  4. Remote Path Mappings

Data Transport
  1. PTS Clone
    1. Google OAuth Keys
    2. PTS Move
    3. PTS Blitz
    4. 2nd HD Option

Key Components

  1. Traefik
  2. Port Guard
  3. PTS Shield
  4. PTS Press
  5. Google Cloud - GCE
    1. Automated setup
  6. Hetzner Cloud
  7. PTS Fork
  8. Extra PTS Commands

Blitz App Info

  1. Accessing PTS Apps
  2. App Port Scheme

Tools & Services

Core Apps [Expand]
  1. Emby
  2. Jackett
  3. Jellyfin
  4. LazyLibrarian
  5. Lidarr
  6. Netdata
  7. NZBGet
  8. Ombi
  9. Plex
  10. Portainer
  11. qBittorrent
  12. Radarr
  13. Radarr4k
  14. RadarrHDR
  15. RuTorrent
  16. SABnzbd
  17. Sonarr
  18. Sonarr4k
  19. SonarrHDR
  20. Tautulli
  21. JDownloader2
Community Apps [Expand]
  1. AirSonic
  2. Bazarr
  3. Bitwarden
  4. BookSonic
  5. cAdvisor
  6. Cloud Commander
  7. Deluge
  8. DelugeVPN
  9. Dozzle
  10. Duplicati
  11. Filebrowser
  12. FlexGet
  13. Gazee
  14. Headphones
  15. Heimdall
  16. HomeAssistant
  17. jd2-openvpn
  18. Kitana
  19. Logarr
  20. MakeMKV
  21. MariaDB
  22. McMyadmin
  23. MEDUSA
  24. Mellow
  25. Miniflux
  26. Monitorr
  27. Muximux
  28. Mylar
  29. NextCloud
  30. NowShowing
  31. NZBHydra2
  32. Organizr
  33. plpp
  34. pyLoad
  35. qBittorrent
  36. QBittorrent VPN
  37. radarrsyncarr
  38. Resilio
  39. rflood-openvpn
  40. rutorrent-openvpn
  41. Shoko Anime Server
  42. SpeedTest
  43. SyncLounge
  44. Teamspeak3
  45. The Lounge
  46. Transmission
  47. Trakt.or
  48. Ubooquity
  49. Varken
  50. vnc-xfce
  51. vnstat
  52. ZeroTier

Misc Info & Articles

  1. Change Server Time
  2. Fail2Ban
  3. Custom Containers
  4. Deploying Varken, Influx, Telegraf, Grafana
  5. cloneclean commands
  6. Understanding htop
  1. Scripting Area
    1. Auto Upload for Sonarr and Lidarr
    2. Auto Delete Log
    3. Plex Plugin DB Backup
    4. Plex fast BACKUP
    5. Delete All Unmonitored from Radarr
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