Showing posts with label Perpetual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perpetual. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Titles and tit-bits

A little cluster of newslets for thee: reports Perpetual Entertainment has halted development of Star Trek Online and are looking to have the game transferred to another developer.

-In a post on the TrekBBS Andrew Steven Harris (IDW editor) has stated "that Titan and DS9 are the two far-and-away front-runners" (gooooo Titan)

-Also at the TrekBBS, Kieth R.A. DeCandido has revealed the title of his Myriad Universes story: "A Gutted World", which will feature elements from several of the 24th century era series.

-David Messina has posted another little art preview from Intelligence Gathering. This one featuring a rather funky rendering of the Enterprise-D, you can see it on his blog.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

First in-game shot from Star Trek Online

The Star Trek Online team have released the first in-game screenshot from the game in their latest Devlog entry:

The rest of devlog explains how the game deals with interaction with events and places in the game.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

New Star Trek Online devlog

The Star trek Online Devlog has been updated, much of this entry consists of polls of the game's creative team, saying what they favoured from various parts of Star Trek. Here's some concept art for a Devidian, released in the log:

Monday, 27 August 2007

Perpetual Entertainment have added a new post to their Star Trek Online devlog, in this update they talk to a Quality Assurance Tester about his recent experience with a Gorn in the game. And they show of this snazzy Vulcan landscape.

Read the full report here.

Monday, 23 July 2007

Building worlds in Star Trek Online

The Star Trek Online site has added a new Devlog which has kicked off with a feature on how the developers of the forthcoming Star Trek MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) go about creating strange new worlds, here are some of the pretty pictures that accompany the technical stuff which you can find on the aforementioned devlog:

Monday, 23 April 2007

Star Trek Online concept art.

TrekCore have updated their section on Star Trek Online with this impressive bit of concept art for Starfleet Academy in the game:

Check out the rest of TrekCore's STO gallery for some cool images, including my favourite, the Aquatics Lab:

Star Trek Online, a MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) is due some time next year.

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