What is another word for pints?

Pronunciation: [pˈa͡ɪnts] (IPA)

Pints are a common measurement for liquids, typically equal to 16 fluid ounces or half a quart. There are several common synonyms for the word "pint", including "half-liter" (commonly used in metric systems), "tankard" (a large, mug-like drinking vessel often used for beer), "jigger" (a small, standardized measurement usually used for spirits), and "mug" (a large, cylindrical drinking vessel often used for beer or hot beverages). Other variations and colloquialisms may include "coldie" (slang for a cold beer), "frosty" (also used for cold drinks), and "schooner" (a large, curved drinking vessel primarily used in Australian and Canadian bars and pubs).

Synonyms for Pints:

What are the paraphrases for Pints?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
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What are the hypernyms for Pints?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Pints

Then, as a sort of hedge, and to be on the safe side, and being that I was already there, I bought a case of Cook pints, as I knew what they were, and came home, put the case on the kitchen radiator and the three half gallon bottles of Doc Sigler-recommended, unpasteurized Champagne-Velvet beer in the ice box and awaited developments.
Durham, Andrew Everett
Cover with five pints of cold water, and bake very slowly for five hours.
"The Myrtle Reed Cook Book"
Myrtle Reed
Add the pulp to three pints of boiling beef stock, and season with salt, pepper, and butter.
"The Myrtle Reed Cook Book"
Myrtle Reed

Famous quotes with Pints

  • I used to be hung up on my figure, but it's a waste of time. I don't believe in diets. Have four pints one night, be healthy the next.
    Sophie Ellis Bextor
  • I like a drink, mate. I'll have maybe 10 or 12 pints on a good night out.
    Eric Bristow
  • You know, nobody eats in England. Three or four pints of English beer a night fills you. I can't say I'm very impressed with the food in America. it's all sort of bland. Like turkey sandwiches.
    Anne Dudley
  • You’re ten pints of crazy in a one-pint glass.
    Scott Lynch
  • What hours I spent of precious time, What pints of ink I used to waste, Attempting to secure a rhyme To suit the public taste, Until I found a simple plan Which makes the lamest lyric scan!
    Harry Graham (poet)

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