What is another word for bushels?

Pronunciation: [bˈʊʃə͡lz] (IPA)

Bushels is a common term used to describe a large amount of something. However, there are plenty of other synonyms available that can be used in its place. Terms like "loads," "heaps," and "bundles" can be used to describe a large amount or quantity of something. Other options include "abundance," "mass," "plenty," and "oodles." If you want to use a more specific term for the type of item being referred to, you could use "sacks" for grains or cereals, or "crates" for fruits or vegetables. No matter what word you choose, there are always plenty of alternatives to avoid repeating yourself in your writing or conversation.

Usage examples for Bushels

In the evidence before the Duke of Richmond's Commission, there is a case of a farmer of three acres producing 45 bushels per acre, or about twice the average of the season in those bad years that impoverished the larger farmers.
"Contemporary Socialism"
John Rae
Nevis tactfully declared that it could be done on a purely business footing, with which object he suggested, after a few judicious questions, that she should give him an order for the delivery of so many bushels of wheat after harvest, which she did.
"A Prairie Courtship"
Harold Bindloss
I smell roses till I think I see the rose leaves lying in heaps, bushels, on the floor.
"Dickens As an Educator"
James L. (James Laughlin) Hughes

Famous quotes with Bushels

  • Because, Renisenb, it is so easy and it costs so little labour to write down ten bushels of barley, or a hundred head of cattle, or ten fields of spelt - and the thing that is written will come to seem like the real thing, and so the writer and the scribe will come to despise the man who ploughs the fields and reaps the barley and raises the cattle - but all the same the fields and the cattle are - they are not just marks of inks on papyrus. And when all the records and all the papyrus rolls are destroyed and the scribes are scattered, the men who toil and reap will go on, and Egypt will still live.
    Agatha Christie

Related words: bushel, bushels to gallons, bushels per gallon, bushels in a gallon, bushels in pounds

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  • How many bushels in a gallon?
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