adjective as in dry
adjective as in lank
Weak matches
- all skin and bones
- angular
- attenuate
- attenuated
- beanpole
- beanstalk
- bony
- cadaverous
- delicate
- emaciated
- ethereal
- featherweight
- fleshless
- fragile
- gangling
- gangly
- gaunt
- haggard
- lanky
- lean
- lightweight
- meager
- narrow
- peaked
- pinched
- pole
- puny
- rangy
- rarefied
- rawboned
- reedy
- rickety
- scraggy
- scrawny
- shadow
- skeletal
- skinny
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slinky
- small
- spare
- spindly
- stalky
- starved
- stick
- stilt
- subtle
- thin as a rail
- threadlike
- twiggy
- twiglike
- undernourished
- underweight
- wan
- wasted
- weedy
- wizened
adjective as in little
Strongest matches
Strong matches
adjective as in moistureless
adjective as in parched
Strong matches
adjective as in rainless
adjective as in shrunken
Strong matches
adjective as in smallish
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- babyish
- bantam
- brief
- dinky
- elfin
- embryonic
- fleeting
- hardly any
- hasty
- immature
- imperceptible
- inappreciable
- inconsiderable
- infant
- infinitesimal
- insufficient
- junior
- light
- Lilliputian
- limited
- meager
- microscopic
- mini
- miniature
- minute
- not big
- not large
- peanut
- petite
- scant
- short
- short-lived
- shrimpy
- skimpy
- slight
- small
- snub
- sparse
- stubby
- stunted
- teeny
- tiny
- toy
- truncated
- undeveloped
- wee
- wizened
- young
adjective as in thin
Strong matches
adjective as in twiggy
Weak matches
- all skin and bones
- angular
- attenuate
- attenuated
- beanpole
- beanstalk
- bony
- cadaverous
- delicate
- emaciated
- ethereal
- featherweight
- fleshless
- fragile
- gangling
- gangly
- gaunt
- haggard
- lank
- lanky
- lean
- lightweight
- meager
- narrow
- peaked
- pinched
- pole
- puny
- rangy
- rarefied
- rawboned
- reedy
- rickety
- scraggy
- scrawny
- shadow
- skeletal
- skinny
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slinky
- small
- spare
- spindly
- stalky
- starved
- stick
- stilt
- subtle
- thin as a rail
- threadlike
- twiglike
- undernourished
- underweight
- wan
- wasted
- weedy
- wizened
adjective as in weedy
Weak matches
- all skin and bones
- angular
- attenuate
- attenuated
- beanpole
- beanstalk
- bony
- cadaverous
- delicate
- emaciated
- ethereal
- featherweight
- fleshless
- fragile
- gangling
- gangly
- gaunt
- haggard
- lank
- lanky
- lean
- lightweight
- meager
- narrow
- peaked
- pinched
- pole
- puny
- rangy
- rarefied
- rawboned
- reedy
- rickety
- scraggy
- scrawny
- shadow
- skeletal
- skinny
- slender
- slight
- slim
- slinky
- small
- spare
- spindly
- stalky
- starved
- stick
- stilt
- subtle
- thin as a rail
- threadlike
- twiggy
- twiglike
- undernourished
- underweight
- wan
- wasted
- wizened
Example Sentences
On the lower end of skills and pay, apparel employment shriveled as Southern California garment makers focused on fashion and small quantities, eliminating tens of thousands of manual labor jobs.
The Mountain Fire had scorched some of the fruit, leaving it shriveled or in ashes.
My right eye is lazy, shriveled and blind; it moves like an out-of-control marble circling a drain.
I can now see that the hallway is normal sized and has only four doorways, and DD is a shriveled, gray-haired woman with paper-thin wings and rotting horns.
According to the Public Education Review, reheated chicken nuggets, French fries, shriveled hamburgers, iceberg lettuce salads and a bevy of processed foods make up a significant portion of the school lunch program’s offerings.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.