
View definitions for dehydrated


adjective as in anhydrous

adjective as in athirst

adjective as in dried

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adjective as in parched

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You can also donate clothes, fuel, and dehydrated meals.

If permission is granted but the tortoise urinates, which can cause them to become dangerously dehydrated, the soldiers must call it in again and wait for a base ecologist to respond.

When some plants are dehydrated or under some other form of stress, they cry a mournful melody made of ultrasonic clicks.

These dry eruptions suggest that Venus's interior, the source of the magma that releases volcanic gases, is also dehydrated.

Organic strawberries from Harry’s Berries are given a light dusting of California-grown guajillo chile, a squeeze of Key lime and a sprinkle of Big Sur sea salt before being slowly dehydrated.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


