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(ˈtraɪ sɛp)
a triceps muscle, esp. the one at the back of the upper arm.
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The new units--a vertical press, shoulder press and tricep press --include an adjustable resistance feature that "allows people with disabilities a wide range of exercise options," says Jen French, a former United States Paralympian and an accessibility adviser for Greenfields.
TRICEP DIPS THIS exercise is incredibly important for targeting the backs of our arms ('bingo wings'), which are often neglected during a workout.
And the tricep dip uses your body weight to strengthen and tone your triceps, which are very useful muscles needed for everyday functional movements.
The Olympic bronze medallist suffered a tricep injury in training and squeaked through two rounds in extreme pain.
Beachfront bootcamp - Beachfront benches are brilliant as you can do step-ups, jump-ups, press-ups and tricep dips on them.
THIS week's exercise is tricep dips - perfect for helping to banish flabby arms.
This is a simple but effective exercise to develop strength and endurance in the tricep muscle of the upper back of arm.
For a Tricep Press use a step from the step class and use it to lie back on with your knees bent, feet flat.
Charlie Dy, Torres' agent, said the point guard suffered a tear on his tricep muscles and would need six weeks to recover.
MINUTE 6 - SQUAT TO TRICEP EXTENSION Start with a squat, then bicep curl.