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(Animals) a parasitic roundworm of the genus Trichinella
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n. Trichinella, género de gusanos nematodos, parásitos de animales carnívoros.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Vulnificus 94 47 Vibrio, Other 7,880 393 112 Yersinia enterocolitica 96,368 2,536 Subtotal 5,204,934 Parasitic Cryptosporidium parvum 300,000 6,630 2,788 Cyclospora cayetanensis 16,264 428 98 Giardia lamblia 2,000,000 107,000 22,907 Toxoplasma gondii 225,000 15,000 Trichinella spiralis 52 26 Subtotal 2,541,316 Viral Norwalk-like Viruses 23,000,000 Rotavirus 3,900,000 Astrovirus 3,900,000 Hepatitis A 83,391 27,797 Subtotal 30,883,391 Grand Total 38,629,641 % Foodborne Hospitalization Disease of Agent Outbreak Transmission Rate Bacterial Bacillus cereus 72 100 0.006 Botulism, Foodborne 100 0.800 Brucella spp.
This includes Escherichia coil 0157:H7, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Trichinella spiralis associated with raw meat and poultry.
In the mid-1800's, public health concerns about pork infested with a particular parasite - Trichinella spiralis - were so widespread in Germany that a butcher was jailed for a month for violating local regulations on meat inspection.
(Our mothers' injunction to "cook your pork thoroughly" can also take some credit for the decline in trichinosis, which is caused by the trichinella parasite.)
Blood samples from the animals are assayed for antibodies to Trichinella spiralis, which can cause medical problems when people eat it in undercooked pork.
Influence of adjuvant formulation on the induced protection of mice immunized with total soluble antigen of Trichinella spiralis.
Results of serologic testing performed at the hospital were negative for Trichinella, Toxocara, and Schistosoma spp.
Effect of Nigella sativa and Allium cepaoils on Trichinella spiralis in experimentally infected rats.
I find that amoebae, Ascaris lumbricoides, cestodes (tapeworms), pork worms (Trichinella spiralis), and others turn up very frequently on the BioMeridian.
CDC performed immunoglobulin G enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay testing of patient serum and microscopically examined the meat for evidence of Trichinella larvae.