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(Chemistry) a hexahydric alcohol
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Several scientific articles have identified the microstructure as fine pearlite (sorbite) [5, 15-17], also, some traces of bainite may exist [5, 18].
--esters of fatty acids and polyols (sorbite, sorbitan, glycerin, pentaerythritol, etc.);
The UV-[WPUA.sub.0] or hybrid coating film was cut into 2 cm x 2 cm squares to determine its weight ([W.sub.0]) and then put into the sorbite extractor with toluene as the solvent for 48 h; the rest weight (W) of the film was obtained after drying for 72 h at 30[degrees]C.
It is replaced with a structure which is known as 'sorbite' in carbon steels.
Corresponding to the annealed state, the structure was formed of polyhedral ferrite and pearlite grains in approximately equal quantities, and in the case of the hardened state the structure consisted of tempering sorbite.