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Related to sorbed: sorptive

sorb 1

tr.v. sorbed, sorb·ing, sorbs
To take up and hold, as by absorption or adsorption.

[Back-formation from absorb and adsorb.]

sorb′a·bil′i·ty n.
sorb′a·ble adj.
sorb′ent adj. & n.

sorb 2

1. Any of several Eurasian trees of the genus Sorbus of the rose family, especially a service tree.
2. The fruit of any of these plants.

[French sorbe, sorb fruit, from Old French sourbe, from Vulgar Latin *sorba, from Latin sorbum.]


A member of a Slavic people inhabiting the region of Lusatia in eastern Germany and southwest Poland.

[German Sorbe, perhaps variant of Serbe, Serb, from Serbian Srb, Serb.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.sorbed - (of a substance) taken into and retained in another substance; "the sorbed oil mass"; "large volumes of occluded hydrogen in palladium"
combined - made or joined or united into one
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
With a strange ab- sorbed light in his eyes he pounced upon Ed Thomas, he who knew Pop Geers and whose opin- ion of Tony Tip's chances was worth considering.
Again he was ab- sorbed in his duties as agent of the Standard Oil Company.
A comparative analysis of the fluorescence intensities of pyrene in water-ethanol solutions and in the CDA solid phase after its sorption from these solutions has shown that pyrene at a concentration of [10.sup.-5] g/L (5x[10.sup.-8] M) in solution is not detected (see Figure 1(a)) whereas pyrene sorbed on the CDA film from a similar solution shows an SSF signal.
The amount of arsenic sorbed on the technosol was determined by mass balance using the following equation [15]:
The amount of Cr(VI) sorbed onto the biosorbent was determined by using a sorbate concentration of 2 mg/L with different amount of the biosorbent (0.025, 0.050, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.150 g) in orbital shaker at room temperature for an equilibrium time of 8 h.
Treatment of the sorbed contaminants is further accomplished through sulfate enhanced bioremediation.
The equation below illustrates the gr/lb of moisture due to a single occupant that must be sorbed by the ventilation air (13 cfm/person) over the period of an hour.
Among the most important advantages of the research, mention can be made of reducing pollution in surface or drinking water, reducing the cost of raw materials and increasing the rate of separation of sorbents from the sorbed pollutants in the liquid phase.
The loss of phosphorus from solution was used to calculate sorbed P.
In the course of analysis of dependence of sorbed iron ions ([Fe.sup.3+]) weight on sorption duration (figure 3) the same principle was stated, as within the first 5 minutes of the sorption iron ions ([Fe.sup.3+]) are intensively sorbed on the adsorbent surface.
Thus in both metal ions, Cu (II) was sorbed slightly better than Ni (II) ions onto the polymeric resin (PNBOBen).Key words: Polymeric resin, Synthesis, FTIR, 1H-NMR, Batch adsorption.