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not causal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.noncausal - not causative
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References in periodicals archive ?
Both causal and noncausal biomarkers may predict risk for future disease, but only a causal biomarker may be appropriate as a therapeutic target.
From clinical, societal, and forensic perspectives, it may be equally important to identify noncausal factors.
Moreover, noncausal properties that resemble Crusian existential grounds contribute to the effect as well.
(6) Finally, the shared vulnerability hypothesis posits that shared risk factors account for both PTSD and AUD, and their association is noncausal.
An example of an incorrectly applied noncausal cost is excess capacity in a work group or resource, such as a resource capacity for which there is no demand for creating additional output.
Instead of preestimating the Markov parameters or eliminating them via noncausal projections, SIMPCA reformulates the SIM problem in parity space.
Specifically, these studies do not account for noncausal, alternative explanations that could explain the observed relationships between new teacher induction and retention.
If differential attrition occurs, for example, because high risk participants are clustered in some (noncausal) marker category at baseline and are removed preferentially from the study because of their high-risk profile, the respective marker category will successively be depleted of high-risk participants and become more and more similar to the reference category, producing an attenuation of hazard ratios over increasing follow-up.
So using the PMP algorithm is difficult to ensure the real-time characteristic of "[lambda]-control." In order to respond to the online noncausal optimal control strategy, this research uses PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithm to optimize the parameters of PI closed-loop controller (PSO-PI controller), which is to improve the characteristics of flexibility and adaptability of feedback closed-loop controller, besides its robustness and fast convergence speed, easily implementing and high computational efficiency.