

(Ecclesiastical Terms) (of a person, country, etc) not adhering to the Christian faith
(Ecclesiastical Terms) a person who does not adhere to the Christian faith
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


[ˌnɒnˈkrɪstɪən] ADJ & Nno cristiano/a m/f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
In the majority opinion, the court concluded that the county's practice does not impermissibly endorse Christianity because it is possible that a non-Christian could one day be elected to the commission and then lead the board in the occasional non-Christian prayer.
A CHURCH has prohibited yoga on its premises because it feels the practice is "non-Christian".
identify with a non-Christian religion; 20% have no formal religious identification.
According to a report in BBC, last week, some non-Christian tribals even conducted a march in the nearby city of Ranchi to protest the statue.
In a major setback to the sitting NPF MLA Deo Nukhu of 17 Chizami Assembly Constituency, non-Christian people in his own Zhavame (Zhamai) village have voluntarily come out to support former Assembly Speaker, Z Lohe, who is also strongly pitted to get NPF ticket for the ensuing Nagaland assembly elections slated for February 23 next.
Campus Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, notes in the preface that his interest in the questions that animate his book were sparked by conversations with non-Christian university students--namely, in the face of globalization and religious pluralism, "Can one continue to affirm that Jesus Christ is the universal Savior for all peoples?" and, as a corollary, "How are adherents of non-Christian religions to be viewed?" (p.
Accounts of the political and geographic development of non-Christian faiths are clear and concise.
"To this day that concept has been central to the running of the league, but although the League has never seen itself as a specific vehicle for evangelism, it has welcomed non-Christian players into its fold in the hope that not only will they enjoy the core values it stands for, but their presence will also prevent the League from being inward-looking and exclusive.
(Editor's Note: The rules regulating lawyer advertising do not prohibit a firm from identifying itself as a "Small Christian Family Law Firm" and nowhere in the ad is it stated the firm will not consider non-Christian applicants.)
Sadly, all human beings (gay/straight, Christian or non-Christian) love to label and even demonise those they disagree with.
Of those who adhere to a religion other than Christianity, about one half could be Muslim, up from 35 per cent of the non-Christian population in 2006.
The head of the Christian Maronite Church, Patriarch Boutros Nasrallah Sfeir is the target of a significant campaign of criticism waged by Christian and non-Christian agents, columnist Abdallah Iskandar said Wednesday in the pan-Arab daily AL HAYAT.

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