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[ˈhɔːsˌreɪsɪŋ] n (sport) → ippica; (events) → corse fpl dei cavalli
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
All profoundly versed in horse-racing, in athletic sports, in pipes, beer, billiards, and betting.
I wrote to you last year how the abominable horse-racing rector was in the habit of preaching clumsy sermons at us at church, and how Sir Pitt snored in answer.
A passion for horse-racing, developed late in life, had ruined the rich retired tradesman who had purchased the estate at the time of our family troubles.
"Have they?" said Philip, who knew nothing about horse-racing.
'As a native of horse-racing England, you belong to a nation of gamblers.
One man thinks horse-racing is It, with a big I, and another man finds the biggest satisfaction in actresses.
Summary: If hard Brexit happens in 10 weeks' time, Irish horse-racing industry will face ruin
He affirmed that the outstanding levels of the riders reflects the advanced level reached by the equestrian sport in the kingdom thanks to the constant care of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the first supporter of the horse-racing and equestrian sport in Bahrain.