
Also found in: Medical, Encyclopedia.


(Veterinary Science) vet science an equine viral infection similar to smallpox
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TNX-801 (live virus vaccine for percutaneous (scarification) administration) is a potential smallpox-preventing vaccine based on a live synthetic version of horsepox virus, currently in the pre-IND application stage.
Altogether, 212/214 predicted proteins had results in the nonredundant database; most (191) best-hit results were obtained for cowpox virus from various previously described strains, 9 for vaccinia virus, 4 for variola virus, 3 for monkeypoxvirus, 2 for ectromelia virus, and 1 each for horsepox, camelpox, and taterapox.
They have already done it with horsepox, which is not very different from variola virus.
In January, a small research team at the University of Alberta engineered a cousin of the lethal smallpox virus called horsepox, using strands of DNA they received in the mail.
Researchers from the University of Alberta produced an infectious horsepox virus, which they synthetically reconstructed using a published genome sequence and DNA fragments manufactured entirely by chemical methods.