fire blanket

(redirected from fire blankets)

fire blanket

(Tools) a large blanket-like piece of fire-resistant material such as fibreglass used in smothering a fire
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Moreover, residents must stock fire blankets in the kitchen, and ensure their smoke alarms are regularly tested to ensure fire detection is not delayed.
During my long stint with Adnoc group, all accommodation units were equipped with basic fire-resistant stuff such as CO2, DP and fire blankets.
In fact, we have had our fire blankets used to save situations in different households."Our customers are also organised in a way that they have sort of cylinder assembly points where they quickly evacuate the cylinders once there is news of some fire outbreak around them," said Mr Zach Kolp, PayGo head of finance.
The kindergartners in Nizwa were taught the workings of an ambulance, as well as the mechanisms of various firefighting equipment such as fire extinguishers, hosepipes and fire blankets. They were also instructed on how to save themselves and others in the event of a fire.
A live demonstration was done on the college campus on the use of fire blankets and their effectiveness in controlling conflagrations in places like the kitchen.
Such equipment may include a fire extinguisher (4kg), fire blankets and a first-aid kit.
"I threw some fire blankets over the pan and used some extinguishers to put it out.
Clean surfaces, extractors and their ducting regularly and install fire blankets in kitchens.
WATER-JEL Technologies supplies emergency first aid burn care products including fire blankets, burn wraps and dressings, topical creams and antibiotic ointments.
Keep a small fire extinguisher on hand in case of a blaze in the kitchen and some thick tea towels to act as fire blankets.