fire appliance

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fire appliance

(Automotive Engineering) another name for fire engine
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"It can be very difficult to manoeuvre the fire appliance because of motorists who fail to use common sense when parking their own vehicle."
The new Rosenbauer Panther 6x6 CA5 is a pioneering fire appliance, designed specially to fight aeroplane blazes and partially designed by a team who created the BMW X5.
A MOTORIST was killed when a Merseyside fire appliance heading for an emergency call-out at Liverpool's John Lennon airport ploughed into his car at traffic lights, a court heard yesterday.
05-2006 17.30 Abergele Verbal and visual abuse by car driver directed at crew traveling in fire appliance
Using water from a fire appliance they cleaned vehicles parked at Stockton Riverside College at pounds 1.50 a time.
Hope you get your fire appliance back, but don't hold your breath.
Nine students will clean cars in the Stockton Riverside College car park tomorrow, 8.30am-4.30pm, using water from a fire appliance and earning, pounds 1.50 a time.
The question has to be raised over why the retained third appliance at Southport or the next nearest fire appliance at Formby was not able to attend this serious house fire to assist both the family involved and the other wholetime firefighters attending.
If these changes go through I can predict a future headline in the ECHO, `Lives lost after 45-minute wait for fire appliance'.
Both vehicles sustained significant damage with the fire appliance taken off duty as a result of the collision.
Jeff Boath, Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service duty officer, said: "Our category two fire appliance from South Shields was responding to an incident when it was involved in a collision with a Nissan Micra on the Lindisfarne roundabout.