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 (fĭk, fēk)
n. Islam
The interpretation and elucidation of Islamic law.

[Arabic fiqh, understanding, comprehension, fiqh, from faqiha, to understand, comprehend.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Islam) the study of the Islamic legal code
[Arabic, literally: understanding]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Justice Athar said that teachers of IIUI had introduced him and other to renowned law experts to the Muslim legacy in legal education, methodology of benefiting from the teachings of Mujtahideen and ways to utilize Islamic law of Fiqh.
Addressing a two-day international conference organized by Department of Law of International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI) on 'Legal Education in Pakistan' at Faisal Masjid Campus of the university, Justice Athar Minallah said that teachers of IIUI had introduced him and other to renowned law experts to the Muslim legacy in legal education, methodology of benefiting from the teachings of Mujtahideen and ways to utilize Islamic law of Fiqh. He also shed light on preservation of life while saying that Islamic Fiqh had greatly emphasized on it.
It considers validity in waqf law, fiqh (branches of law), and local villages; how these are connected through codified law and decrees, and in court cases and administrative documents; how local village life affects fiqh and vice versa; and how the validity of the shari'a is constructed or portrayed in various fields of waqf knowledge.
He affirmed that a number of manuscripts and scientific documents were found in a number of old houses in Al Aqar by a group of scholars who lived in the neighbourhood, including Sheikh Al Faqih Omar bin Said bin Abdullah Al Maad Al Bahlawi Abu Hafs (1009 AH / 1600 AD) author of Minhaj Al Adel (an encyclopedia in Fiqh in four large parts) that included many answers of scholars and their fatwas.
He affirmed that a number of manuscripts and scientific documents were found in old houses in Al Aqar neighbourhood by a group of scholars who lived in the neighbourhood, including Sheikh al Faqih Omar bin Said bin Abdullah al Maad al Bahlawi Abu Hafs, the author of Minhaj al Adel (an encyclopedia in Fiqh in four large parts) that included many answers of scholars and their fatwas.
There he studied fiqh, usul al-fiqh, Arabic literature, logic, Arabic grammar (sarf and nahw), tafsir, and Hadith.
Prince Faisal bin Salman with religious scholars and researchers at the conference of International Islamic Fiqh Academy in Madinah.
The said book is aimed at explaining the body system to students of Madaris who want to specialise in Fiqh and Afta and it is comprised of 11 chapters and 226 pages, whereas the author dedicated it to the departed souls of his parents.
The main theme of conference is 'Fiqh Al-Sheerah' and its contemporary applications, said a press release issued here on Wednesday.
HM the king, in recognition of the deceased commendable efforts during his career, gave orders to establish a new college for Islamic studies specialized in teaching the sciences of Quran, Islamic Law and comparative Fiqh, and that to be named after the deceased name.
> He got aPhDdegree from Al Azhar University in Fiqh 'Jurisprudence' - Shariah Politics.
It also restricted the prime minister's power to choose the Sunni Waqf's president to selecting a candidate accepted by the Fiqh Council of Senior Scholars for Preaching and Fatwas (al-Mujamma' al-Fiqhi li-Kibar 'Ulama al-'Iraq li-l-Da'wa wa-l-Ifta').