air embolism

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Related to air embolism: pulmonary embolism

air embolism



(Medicine) the presence in the tissues and blood of a gas, such as air or nitrogen bubbles, caused by an injection of air or, in the case of nitrogen, by an abrupt and substantial reduction in the ambient pressure. See decompression sickness
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.air embolism - obstruction of the circulatory system caused by an air bubble as, e.g., accidentally during surgery or hypodermic injection or as a complication from scuba divingair embolism - obstruction of the circulatory system caused by an air bubble as, e.g., accidentally during surgery or hypodermic injection or as a complication from scuba diving
embolism - occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus (a loose clot or air bubble or other particle)
2.air embolism - pain resulting from rapid change in pressureair embolism - pain resulting from rapid change in pressure
illness, sickness, unwellness, malady - impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism
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References in periodicals archive ?
Air embolism is very rare if one is careful while injecting.
In literature we were able to find few case reports of complications relating to air injection during PCNL, for example, air embolism in which Parikh et al.17 used 40 ml of intermittent boluses of air in multiple punctures.
[4] The aim of anaesthetic management in such patients is to prevent myocardial depression, to maintain adequate saturation, to prevent the occurrence of air embolism and to prevent other complications such as thrombosis, haemorrhage, infective endocarditis, and paradoxical embolism.
To the Editor: Air embolism is a well-recognized complication during surgery.
On the other hand, side effects such as extravasations, air embolism and allergic reactions to contrast media might restrain the market growth.
Enteric fistulas can cause air embolism, and air passing from the enteric area to the aorta can also penetrate the thrombus.
Although RHC is generally safe, serious adverse events, such as bleeding at the site of vascular access, pneumothorax, arrhythmia, myocardial, vessel, or valve rupture, thromboembolism, infections, and air embolism, can occur during the procedure (2).
It becomes an utmost important issue if the armboard is draped to prevent blood loss and air embolism as ingress of air can cause air embolism also.
It should be noted that the HBOT is considered a basic treatment for several cases most important of which are air embolism, Carbon monoxide poisoning, and decompression sickness.
Toung, "Diagnosis and treatment of vascular air embolism," Anesthesiology, vol.
Serious complications of air embolism were encountered in some studies that were connected with the inflation of gas into the necrotic collection to enable visualization of its cavity [16, 17, 19].