air guitar

(redirected from Air Drum)

air guitar

(Pop Music) an imaginary guitar played while miming to rock music
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At this time the perforated drum drying principle invented by his father Hans - more than 40000 drums were operating already - has been further developed and optimized by Gerold Fleissner in a revolutionary manner with the High-Tech through air drum to meet the high requirements of modem production lines.
At this time, the perforated drum drying principle invented by his father Hans - more than 40,000 drums were operating already - has been further developed and optimized by Gerald Fleissner in a revolutionary manner with the high-tech through air drum to meet the high requirements of modem production lines.
Using their sport and fitness background, the friends set about devising a drumming-based exercise routine with the aim that anyone doing it could air drum their way to leaner, stronger bodies.
Fans also can rock out using the Wii remote and Nunchuk to "air drum." The Mii Freestyle Stage Manager allows DS players in the audience to control lightshows, change cameras, and ignite pyrotechnics.
Then the work begins: He peels the wood clean with a drawknife, sands it smooth with air drum and flapper sanders and a handheld palm sander, and seals and treats it with industrial exterior lacquer.
At this time the perforated drum drying principle invented by his father Hans--more than 40,000 drums were operating already--has been further developed and optimized by Gerald Fleissner in a revolutionary manner with the High-Tech through air drum to meet the high requirements of modern production lines.
More than 40000 drums were already operating at that time and thus that High-Tech through air drum by Gerold meet the high requirements of modern production lines at that time.
There are remote control tanks, dancing robots, air drum sticks, walkie talkies, travel DVD players and loads more.
It has got a front air drum, flared sills, an extended rear bumper and 17 inch alloy wheels.