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abstain or be relieved from exertion: Rest here awhile before traveling on.; left without further investigation: Let the matter rest.
Not to be confused with:
wrest – to usurp forcefully; to extract by guile or persistence: wrest a confession from the suspect
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree
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rest (center) equivalent to the duration of an eighth note

rest 1

a. A period of inactivity, relaxation, or sleep: The hikers stopped for a rest.
b. Sleep or the refreshment resulting from inactivity or sleep: Get plenty of rest before the race.
c. The repose of death: eternal rest.
d. Mental or emotional calm: The news put my mind at rest.
2. The state of being motionless; the absence of motion: The car accelerates quickly from a state of rest.
3. The condition of being settled or resolved: a remark that put the matter to rest.
4. Music
a. An interval of silence corresponding to one of the possible time values within a measure.
b. The mark or symbol indicating such a pause and its length.
5. A short pause in a line of poetry; a caesura.
6. A device used as a support: a back rest.
7. Games See bridge1.
v. rest·ed, rest·ing, rests
a. To cease motion, work, or activity, especially in order to become refreshed: The laborers rested in the shade.
b. To lie down and sleep: rested for an hour on the couch.
a. To be in or come to a motionless state: The can rolled along, finally resting when it hit the curb.
b. To be located or be in a specified place: The manuscript rests in the museum.
c. To be fixed or directed on something: His gaze rested on the necklace.
d. To be unchanged or unresolved: After arguing for an hour, we let the matter rest.
a. To be supported or based; lie, lean, or sit: The ladder rests firmly against the tree.
b. To be imposed or vested, as a responsibility or burden: The final decision rests with the chairperson.
c. To depend or rely: That argument rests on a false assumption.
4. Law To complete the main presentation of one's portion of a legal case: The defense rests.
1. To cause or allow to be inactive or relaxed so as to regain energy: The coach rested his best players. I rested my eyes before studying.
2. To place, lay, or lean, as for support or repose: rested the rake against the fence.
3. To base or ground: I rested my conclusion on that fact.
4. To fix or direct (the gaze, for example).
5. Law To complete the main presentation of (one's portion of a case): The prosecutor was not ready to rest her case.
at rest
a. Asleep.
b. Dead.
2. Motionless; inactive.
3. Free from anxiety or distress.
lay/put to rest
1. To bury (a dead body); inter.
2. To resolve or settle (an issue, for example): The judge's ruling put to rest the dispute between the neighbors.

[Middle English, from Old English.]

rest′er n.

rest 2

1. The part that is left over after something has been removed; remainder.
2. That or those remaining: The beginning was boring, but the rest was interesting. The rest are arriving later.
intr.v. rest·ed, rest·ing, rests
1. To be or continue to be; remain: Rest assured that we will finish on time.
2. To remain or be left over.

[Middle English, from Old French reste, from rester, to remain, from Latin restāre, to stay behind : re-, re- + stāre, to stand; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]

rest 3

A support for a lance on the side of the breastplate of medieval armor.

[Middle English reste, short for areste, a stopping, holding, from Old French, from arester, to stop; see arrest.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a. relaxation from exertion or labour
b. (as modifier): a rest period.
2. repose; sleep
3. any relief or refreshment, as from worry or something troublesome
4. calm; tranquillity
5. death regarded as repose: eternal rest.
6. cessation from motion
7. at rest
a. not moving; still
b. calm; tranquil
c. dead
d. asleep
8. a pause or interval
9. (Music, other) a mark in a musical score indicating a pause of specific duration
10. (Poetry) prosody a pause in or at the end of a line; caesura
11. a shelter or lodging: a seaman's rest.
12. a thing or place on which to put something for support or to steady it; prop
13. (Billiards & Snooker) billiards snooker any of various special poles used as supports for the cue in shots that cannot be made using the hand as a support
14. come to rest to slow down and stop
15. lay to rest to bury (a dead person)
16. set someone's mind at rest to reassure someone or settle someone's mind
17. to take or give rest, as by sleeping, lying down, etc
18. to place or position (oneself, etc) for rest or relaxation
19. (tr) to place or position for support or steadying: to rest one's elbows on the table.
20. (intr) to be at ease; be calm
21. to cease or cause to cease from motion or exertion; halt
22. to lie dead and buried
23. (intr) to remain without further attention or action: let the matter rest.
24. to direct (one's eyes) or (of one's eyes) to be directed: her eyes rested on the sleeping child.
25. to depend or cause to depend; base; rely: the whole argument rests on one crucial fact.
26. to place or be placed, as blame, censure, etc
27. (Cooking) to put pastry in a cool place to allow the gluten to contract
28. (intr; foll by with, on, upon, etc) to be a responsibility (of): it rests with us to apportion blame.
29. (Law) law to finish the introduction of evidence in (a case)
30. rest on one's laurels See laurel9
31. rest on one's oars
a. to stop rowing for a time
b. to stop doing anything for a time
[Old English ræst, reste, of Germanic origin; related to Gothic rasta a mile, Old Norse röst mile]
ˈrester n


1. something left or remaining; remainder
2. the others: the rest of the world.
(copula) to continue to be (as specified); remain: rest assured.
[C15: from Old French rester to remain, from Latin rēstāre, from re- + stāre to stand]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. the refreshing quiet or repose of sleep.
2. refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor.
3. relief or freedom, esp. from trouble, anxiety, etc.
4. a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquillity.
5. mental or spiritual calm; tranquillity.
6. the repose of death: eternal rest.
7. cessation or absence of motion.
8. Music.
a. an interval of silence between tones.
b. a mark or sign indicating it.
9. Pros. a short pause within a line; caesura.
10. any stopping or resting place, esp. a shelter or lodging for travelers.
11. a piece or device by which something is supported or upon which it can rest.
12. to refresh oneself, as by sleeping, lying down, or relaxing.
13. to be at ease; have tranquillity or peace.
14. to repose in death.
15. to cease from motion or activity; stop.
16. to remain without further action or notice: to let a matter rest.
17. to lie, sit, lean, or be set: His arm rested on the table.
18. (of land) to lie fallow or unworked.
19. to be imposed as a burden or responsibility (usu. fol. by on or upon).
20. to rely (usu. fol. by on or upon).
21. to be based or founded (usu. fol. by on or upon).
22. to be found; belong; reside (often fol. by with): The blame rests with them.
23. to be fixed or directed on something, as the eyes or a gaze.
24. Law. to conclude the introduction of evidence in a case.
25. to give rest to; refresh with rest.
26. to lay or place for rest, ease, or support: to rest one's back against a tree.
27. to direct or cast: to rest one's eyes on someone.
28. to base, or let depend, as on some ground of reliance.
29. to bring to rest; halt; stop.
30. Law. to conclude the introduction of evidence on: to rest one's case.
1. at rest,
a. in a state of repose, as in sleep.
b. dead.
c. quiescent; inactive; not in motion.
d. free from worry; tranquil.
2. lay to rest,
a. to inter (a dead body); bury.
b. to allay, suppress, or appease.
[before 900; (n.) Middle English; Old English ræst, rest, c. Old Saxon rasta, resta, Old High German resta rest, peace, Old Norse rǫst rest, mile, Gothic rasta stretch, mile]
rest′er, n.



1. the part that is left or remains; remainder.
2. the others: All the rest are going.
3. to continue to be; remain as specified: Rest assured that all is well.
[1375–1425; late Middle English: to remain due or unpaid < Middle French rester to remain < Latin restāre to remain standing =re- re- + stāre to stand]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


In artillery, a command that indicates that the unit(s) or gun(s) to which it is addressed shall not follow up fire orders during the time that the order is in force.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


If you are talking about something that cannot be counted, the verb following rest is singular.

The rest of the food was delicious.

If you are talking about several people or things, the verb is plural.

The rest of the boys were delighted.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: rested
Gerund: resting

I rest
you rest
he/she/it rests
we rest
you rest
they rest
I rested
you rested
he/she/it rested
we rested
you rested
they rested
Present Continuous
I am resting
you are resting
he/she/it is resting
we are resting
you are resting
they are resting
Present Perfect
I have rested
you have rested
he/she/it has rested
we have rested
you have rested
they have rested
Past Continuous
I was resting
you were resting
he/she/it was resting
we were resting
you were resting
they were resting
Past Perfect
I had rested
you had rested
he/she/it had rested
we had rested
you had rested
they had rested
I will rest
you will rest
he/she/it will rest
we will rest
you will rest
they will rest
Future Perfect
I will have rested
you will have rested
he/she/it will have rested
we will have rested
you will have rested
they will have rested
Future Continuous
I will be resting
you will be resting
he/she/it will be resting
we will be resting
you will be resting
they will be resting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been resting
you have been resting
he/she/it has been resting
we have been resting
you have been resting
they have been resting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been resting
you will have been resting
he/she/it will have been resting
we will have been resting
you will have been resting
they will have been resting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been resting
you had been resting
he/she/it had been resting
we had been resting
you had been resting
they had been resting
I would rest
you would rest
he/she/it would rest
we would rest
you would rest
they would rest
Past Conditional
I would have rested
you would have rested
he/she/it would have rested
we would have rested
you would have rested
they would have rested
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - something left after other parts have been taken away; "there was no remainder"; "he threw away the rest"; "he took what he wanted and I got the balance"
component part, part, portion, component, constituent - something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach"; "the animal constituent of plankton"
leftover, remnant - a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists - freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)rest - freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility); "took his repose by the swimming pool"
inactivity - being inactive; being less active
bed rest, bedrest - confinement to bed continuously (as in the case of some sick or injured persons)
laziness - relaxed and easy activity; "the laziness of the day helped her to relax"
lie-in - a long stay in bed in the morning
dormancy, quiescence, quiescency, sleeping - quiet and inactive restfulness
leisure - freedom to choose a pastime or enjoyable activity; "he lacked the leisure for golf" - a pause for relaxationrest - a pause for relaxation; "people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests"
pause, suspension, intermission, interruption, break - a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something - a state of inaction; "a body will continue in a state of rest until acted upon"
inaction, inactiveness, inactivity - the state of being inactive - euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb); "she was laid to rest beside her husband"; "they had to put their family pet to sleep"
death - the absence of life or state of being dead; "he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life" - a support on which things can be put; "the gun was steadied on a special rest"
armrest - a support for the arm
chin rest - a rest on which a violinist can place the chin
headrest - a rest for the head
support - any device that bears the weight of another thing; "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf" - a musical notation indicating a silence of a specified duration
musical notation - (music) notation used by musicians
whole rest - a musical rest equal in duration to four beats in common time
half rest - a musical rest having the time value of half a whole rest or equal in duration to two beats in common time
quarter rest - a musical rest having one-fourth the time value of a whole rest - not move; be in a resting position
kneel - rest one's weight on one's knees; "In church you have to kneel during parts of the service"
stand, stand up - be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire performance!"
be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
lean against, lean on, rest on - rest on for support; "you can lean on me if you get tired"
build on, build upon, repose on, rest on - be based on; of theories and claims, for example; "What's this new evidence based on?" - take a short break from one's activities in order to relax
intermit, pause, break - cease an action temporarily; "We pause for station identification"; "let's break for lunch" - give a rest to; "He rested his bad leg"; "Rest the dogs for a moment"
blow - allow to regain its breath; "blow a horse"
catch one's breath, take a breather, rest, breathe - take a short break from one's activities in order to relax - have a place in relation to something else; "The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West"; "The responsibility rests with the Allies"
be - occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"
lie - be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position - be at rest
drowse - be on the verge of sleeping; "The students were drowsing in the 8 AM class"
recumb, recline, repose - lean in a comfortable resting position; "He was reposing on the couch"
be active, move - be in a state of action; "she is always moving" - stay the same; remain in a certain state; "The dress remained wet after repeated attempts to dry it"; "rest assured"; "stay alone"; "He remained unmoved by her tears"; "The bad weather continued for another week"
keep out - remain outside
sit tight - maintain the same position; wait it out; "Let's not make a decision--let's sit tight"
stay together, stick together - be loyal to one another, especially in times of trouble; "The two families stuck together throughout the war"
be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
stand - remain inactive or immobile; "standing water"
stay fresh, keep - fail to spoil or rot; "These potatoes keep for a long time"
be - to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form; "let her be" - be inherent or innate in;
inhere in, attach to - be part of; "This problem inheres in the design" - put something in a resting position, as for support or steadying; "Rest your head on my shoulder"
lay, place, put, set, position, pose - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point" - sit, as on a branch; "The birds perched high in the tree"
sit, sit down - be seated - rest on or as if on a pillow; "pillow your head"
lay, place, put, set, position, pose - put into a certain place or abstract location; "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point" - be inactive, refrain from acting; "The committee is resting over the summer"
hibernate - be in an inactive or dormant state
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. relax, sleep, take it easy, lie down, idle, nap, be calm, doze, sit down, slumber, kip (Brit. slang), snooze (informal), laze, lie still, be at ease, put your feet up, take a nap, drowse, mellow out (informal), have a snooze (informal), refresh yourself, outspan (S. African), zizz (Brit. informal), have forty winks (informal), take your ease He has been advised to rest for two weeks.
relax work, keep going, slog away (informal)
2. stop, have a break, break off, take a breather (informal), stay, halt, cease, discontinue, knock off (informal), desist, come to a standstill They rested only once that morning.
stop work, keep going, carry on, battle on, struggle on
3. depend, turn, lie, be founded, hang, be based, rely, hinge, reside Such a view rests on incorrect assumptions.
4. place, lay, repose, stretch out, stand, sit, lean, prop He rested his arms on the back of the chair.
5. be placed, sit, lie, be supported, be positioned, recline, be propped up by Matt's elbow rested on the table.
1. snooze, sleep, lie-down, nap, doze, slumber, kip (Brit. slang) (informal), siesta, forty winks (informal), zizz (Brit. informal) Go home and have a rest.
2. relaxation, sleep, time off, repose, ease, leisure, respite, inactivity, idleness I feel in need of some rest.
relaxation work, activity, bustle
5. inactivity, a halt, a stop, a standstill, stationary, motionlessness The plane came to rest in a field.
6. support, stand, base, holder, shelf, prop, trestle Keep your elbow on the arm rest.
7. calm, tranquillity, stillness, somnolence a remote part of the valley for those seeking rest and relaxation
at rest
8. motionless, still, stopped, at a standstill, unmoving When you are at rest you breathe with your tummy muscles.
10. asleep, resting, sleeping, napping, dormant, crashed out (slang), dozing, slumbering, snoozing (informal), fast asleep, sound asleep, out for the count, dead to the world (informal) She is at rest; don't disturb her.


1. continue being, keep being, remain, stay, be left, go on being Of one thing we may rest assured.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

rest 1

1. A pause or interval, as from work or duty:
Informal: breather.
2. Freedom from labor, responsibility, or strain:
3. The act or fact of dying:
Slang: curtain (used in plural).
1. To take repose by ceasing work or other effort for an interval of time:
2. To take repose, as by sleeping or lying quietly:
lie (down), recline, repose, stretch (out).
3. To have an inherent basis:
4. To provide a basis for:
phrasal verb
rest on or upon
To be determined by or contingent on something unknown, uncertain, or changeable:

rest 2

What remains after a part has been used or subtracted:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إسْتِراحَه ، راحَهالبقِيَّهباقيةبَقِيَّه، ما يَتَبَقّىراحَة
hvilehvile sigpauserestsøvn
odmoriti seostatak
afgangurhvíla , taka sér hvíldhvíla, hallasthvílast, vera rólegurhvíld
mať pokojodpočinúťpokoj
dinlenmedinlenmek-e ait olmak-e bağlı olmak-e düşmek
nghỉ ngơiphần còn lại


1 [rest]
A. N
1. (= repose) → descanso m
I need a restnecesito descansar, me hace falta un descanso
to be at rest (= not moving) → estar en reposo (euph) (= dead) → descansar
to come to rest [ball, vehicle, person] → pararse, detenerse; [bird, insect, eyes, gaze] → posarse
her eyes came to rest on the booksu mirada se posó en el libro
day of restdía m de descanso
I need a rest from gardeningme hace falta descansar de la jardinería
try to get some restintenta descansar
to give sth a restdejar algo (por un tiempo)
I think you ought to give football a restcreo que deberías dejar el fútbol por un tiempo
give it a rest!¡déjalo ya!, ¡vale ya!
to have a resttomarse un descanso
why don't you have a rest? (= take a break) → ¿por qué no te tomas un descanso?; (= lie down) → ¿por qué no descansas un rato?
to have a good night's restdormir bien
to lay sb to restenterrar a algn
to lay or put sth to rest [+ theory] → enterrar algo
his speech should lay those fears to restsu discurso debería acabar con or enterrar esos temores
to take a rest = to have a rest
see also bed C
see also change A1
see also mind A1
see also wicked
2. (Mus) → silencio m
3. (= support) → apoyo m, soporte m (Billiards) → soporte m (Telec) → horquilla f
1. (= give rest to) → descansar
try to rest the ankle as much as possibleintente descansar el tobillo lo más que pueda
the horses have to be restedhay que dejar descansar a los caballos
I feel very restedme siento muy descansado
to rest o.s.descansar
God rest his soul!¡Dios le acoja en su seno!
2. (= support) → apoyar (on, against en sobre contra) rest the ladder against the treeapoya la escalera contra el árbol
to rest one's hand on sb's shoulderapoyar la mano en el hombro de algn
3. (= settle)
to rest one's eyes/gaze on sthposar la mirada en algo
4. (Jur)
to rest one's caseconcluir su alegato
I rest my caseconcluyo mi alegato (fig) (hum) → he dicho
1. (= repose) → descansar
go back to bed and restvuelve a la cama y descansa
the waves never restlas olas no descansan nunca
he won't rest until he finds out the truthno descansará hasta que descubra la verdad
may he rest in peace (euph) → que en paz descanse
see also laurel
2. (= lean, be supported) [person] → apoyarse (on en) [roof, structure] → estar sostenido (on por) (fig) [responsibility] → pesar (on sobre) he rested on his spade for a whilese apoyó en la pala un rato
his head was resting on her shouldertenía la cabeza apoyada en su hombro
her arm rested on my chairsu brazo estaba apoyado en mi silla
her elbows were resting on the tabletenía los codos apoyados en la mesa
the ladder was resting against the wallla escalera estaba apoyada contra la pared
a heavy responsibility rests on himsobre él pesa una grave responsabilidad
3. (= alight) [eyes, gaze] → posarse
his eyes rested on mesu mirada se posó en mí
4. (= depend, be based) [argument, case] → basarse (on en) [sb's future] → depender (on de) the future of the country rests on how we teach our childrenel futuro del país depende de la enseñanza que demos a nuestros hijos
5. (= be, remain) → quedar
we cannot let the matter rest thereno podemos permitir que la cosa quede ahí
the decision rests with her, it rests with her to decidela decisión la tiene que tomar ella, ella es la que tiene que decidir, la decisión es suya
see also assure, easy A2
6. (Theat) (euph) to be restingno tener trabajo
7. (Jur) the defence/prosecution restsla defensa/el fiscal concluye su alegato
D. CPD rest area N (Aut) → área f de descanso
rest cure Ncura f de reposo
rest home Nresidencia f de ancianos, asilo m (de ancianos)
rest room N (US) → servicios mpl, baño(s) m(pl) (LAm)
rest stop N (= pause) → parada f para descansar, parada f de descanso (Aut) = rest area
rest up (esp US) VI + ADVdescansar


2 [rest] N the rest (= remainder) [of money, food, month] → el resto; [of people, things] → el resto, los/las demás
I'm taking the rest of the week offme tomaré el resto or lo que queda de la semana libre
the dog ate the restel perro se comió el resto or lo que sobró
you go home - I'll do the restvete a casa, yo hago lo demás or lo que queda
I'll take half of the money - you keep the restyo me llevo la mitad del dinero, tú te quedas con el resto
the rest of the moneyel resto del dinero
all the rest of the moneytodo lo que sobró del dinero
they left the rest of the meal untouchedno tocaron el resto de la comida
the rest stayed outsidelos demás se quedaron fuera
the rest of us will wait herelos demás esperaremos aquí
the rest of the boyslos otros chicos, los demás chicos
he was as drunk as the rest of themestaba tan borracho como los demás
the rest of them couldn't care lessa los demás or a los otros les trae sin cuidado
what shall we give the rest of them?¿qué les daremos a los otros?
the rest of the soldierslos otros soldados, los demás soldados
I will take this book and you keep the restyo me llevo este libro y tú quédate con los demás
all the rest of the bookstodos los demás libros, todos los otros libros
it was just another grave like all the restno era más que otra tumba, como todas las demás or todas las otras
and all the rest (of it)etcétera, etcétera
he was from a wealthy family, went to Eton, Oxford and all the rest of itera de familia rica, estudió en Eton, Oxford etcétera, etcétera
she was a deb and all the rest of itera debutante y todo lo demás
(as) for the restpor lo demás
only there did his age show, for the rest, he might have been under seventysólo en eso se le notaba la edad, por lo demás, podía haber tenido menos de setenta años
see also history
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= remainder) → reste m
I'll do the rest → Je ferai le reste.
the rest of sth → le reste de qch
the rest of the money → le reste de l'argent
He spent the rest of his life in prison → Il a passa le reste de sa vie en prison.
He was unable to travel with the rest of the team → Il ne pouvait pas voyager avec le reste de l'équipe.
the rest of them (people, objects)les autres
The rest of them went swimming → Les autres sont allés nager.
and the rest (= and so on) → et tout le reste
and all the rest of it (= and so on) → et tout le reste
(= relaxation) → repos m
five minutes' rest → cinq minutes de repos
Try to get some rest → Essayez de vous reposer.
I need a rest → J'ai besoin de repos.
to have a rest → se reposer
We stopped to have a rest → Nous nous sommes arrêtés pour nous reposer.
to put sb's mind at rest, to set sb's mind at rest (= reassure) → tranquilliser qn
to come to rest [plane, ball] → s'immobiliser
to be laid to rest (= be buried) → être enterré(e)
may he rest in peace → qu'il repose en paix
to lay sth to rest, to put sth to rest (= allay) [+ rumours, fears] → faire taire qch
give it a rest! → arrête un peu!
(MUSIC)silence m
(= support) → support m, appui m
(= relax) → se reposer
She's resting in her room → Elle se repose dans sa chambre.
I won't rest until ... → je n'aurai de repos qu'une fois que ...
I won't rest until he's released → Je n'aurai de repos qu'une fois qu'il sera libéré.
to rest easy → être tranquille, dormir tranquille
(= stay) → rester
to let the matter rest → en rester
I am not prepared to let this matter rest → Je ne suis pas prêt à en rester là.
(= be) rest assured that ... → soyez assuré que ...
(= allow to relax) → reposer
He has to rest his knee → Il doit reposer son genou.
(= lean) → appuyer
to rest sth on sth → appuyer qch sur qch
to rest sth against sth → appuyer qch contre qch
I rested my bike against the window → J'ai appuyé mon vélo contre la fenêtre.
to rest one's eyes on sth → poser les yeux sur qch
to rest one's gaze on sth → poser son regard sur qch
(LAW) to rest one's case → conclure sa plaidoirie, conclure son réquisitoire
I rest my case (humorous)CQFD
rest on
vt fus
(= lean on) [person] → s'appuyer sur; [head, object] → reposer sur
Joseph stopped and rested on his broom → Joseph s'arrêta et s'appuya sur son balai.
His head was resting on her shoulder → Sa tête reposait sur son épaule.
(= be based on) [theory, argument, view] → reposer sur
Your argument rests on a mistaken assumption → Vos arguments reposent sur une assomption erronée.
[eyes, gaze] (= look at) → se poser sur
(= depend on) → reposer sur
Much of my success rests on the hard work of my colleagues → Le gros de mon succès repose sur le dur labeur de mes collègues.
rest with
vt fus [decision, responsibility] → appartenir à
The final decision rested with the president → La décision finale appartenait au président.
it rests with sb to do sth
It rests with him to make the most of the opportunities available → Il lui appartient de tirer le meilleur parti des occasions area (mainly US) naire f de repos
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


rest cure
nErholung f; (in bed) → Liegekur f
rest day
nRuhetag m


(= relaxation)Ruhe f; (= pause)Pause f, → Unterbrechung f; (in rest cure, on holiday etc) → Erholung f; a day of restein Ruhetag m; to need restRuhe brauchen; I need a restich muss mich ausruhen; (= vacation)ich brauche Urlaub; to go to the mountains for a restzur Erholung in die Berge fahren; to have or take a rest (= relax)(sich) ausruhen; (= pause)(eine) Pause machen; she took or had an hour’s rest (= relaxation)sie ruhte sich eine Stunde aus; (= pause)sie machte eine Stunde Pause; take a rest!mach mal Pause!; to have a good night’s restsich ordentlich ausschlafen; to give one’s eyes a restseine Augen ausruhen; to give somebody/the horses a restjdn/die Pferde ausruhen lassen; give it a rest! (inf)hör doch auf!
to be at rest (= peaceful)ruhig sein; (euph: = dead) → ruhen; to lay to rest (euph)zur letzten Ruhe betten; to set at rest (fears, doubts)beschwichtigen; to put or set somebody’s mind at restjdn beruhigen; you can set or put your mind at restSie können sich beruhigen, Sie können beruhigt sein; to come to rest (ball, car etc) → zum Stillstand kommen; (bird, insect) → sich niederlassen; (gaze, eyes) → hängen bleiben (→ upon an +dat)
(= support)Auflage f; (of telephone)Gabel f; (Billiards) → Steg m ? armrest, footrest
(Mus) → Pause f; (Poet) → Zäsur f
(= lie down, take rest)ruhen (geh); (= relax, be still)sich ausruhen; (= pause)Pause machen, eine Pause einlegen; (on walk, in physical work) → rasten, Pause machen; (euph: = be buried) → ruhen; you must rest for an hourSie sollten eine Stunde ausruhen; she never restssie arbeitet ununterbrochen; he will not rest until he discovers the truther wird nicht ruhen (und rasten), bis er die Wahrheit gefunden hat; to rest easy (in one’s bed)beruhigt schlafen; to be restingruhen (geh); (euph: = out of work) → ohne Engagement sein; to let a field resteinen Acker brachliegen lassen; (the case for) the prosecution restsdas Plädoyer der Anklage ist abgeschlossen; to let a matter resteine Sache auf sich beruhen lassen; let the matter rest!lass es dabei!; may he rest in peaceer ruhe in Frieden; to rest in the Lordim Herrn ruhen
(= remain: decision, authority, blame, responsibility etc) → liegen (with bei); the matter must not rest thereman kann die Sache so nicht belassen; and there the matter rests for the momentund damit ist die Sache momentan erledigt; (you may) rest assured that …Sie können versichert sein, dass …
(= lean: person, head, ladder) → lehnen (→ on an +dat, → against gegen); (= be supported: roof etc) → ruhen (→ on auf +dat); (fig: eyes, gaze) → ruhen (→ on auf +dat); (fig: = be based, argument, case) → sich stützen (→ on auf +acc); (reputation)beruhen (→ on auf +dat); (responsibility)liegen, ruhen (→ on auf +dat); her elbows were resting on the tableihre Ellbogen waren auf den Tisch gestützt; her head was resting on the tableihr Kopf lag auf dem Tisch
one’s eyesausruhen; voiceschonen; horsesausruhen lassen; to rest oneselfsich ausruhen; to be restedausgeruht sein; to feel restedsich ausgeruht fühlen; (may) God rest his soulGott hab ihn selig!; to rest one’s case (Jur) → das Plädoyer abschließen
(= lean) ladderlehnen (→ against gegen, on an +acc); elbowstützen (→ on auf +acc); (fig) theory, suspicionsstützen (→ on auf +acc); to rest one’s hand on somebody’s shoulderjdm die Hand auf die Schulter legen; to rest one’s head on the tableden Kopf auf den Tisch legen; he rested his head against the waller lehnte den Kopf an die Wand


n (= remainder)Rest m; the rest of the money/mealder Rest des Geldes/Essens, das übrige Geld/Essen; the rest of the boysder Rest der Jungen, die übrigen Jungen; you go off and the rest of us will wait hereihr geht, und der Rest von uns wartet hier; he was as drunk as the rest of themer war so betrunken wie der Rest or die übrigen; she’s no different from the restsie ist wie alle anderen; all the rest of the moneyder ganze Rest des Geldes, das ganze übrige Geld; all the rest of the booksalle übrigen Bücher; and all the rest of it (inf)und so weiter und so fort; Mary, Jane and all the rest of themMary, Jane und wie sie alle heißen; for the restim Übrigen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1 [rɛst]
1. n
a. (repose) → riposo; (break) → pausa; (in walking) → sosta, tappa
to come to rest (object) → fermarsi
to have a good night's rest → farsi una buona or bella dormita
at rest (not moving) → fermo/a (euph) (dead) → in pace
to set sb's mind at rest → tranquillizzare qn
b. (Mus) → pausa
c. (support) → sostegno, supporto
2. vt
a. (animal, dough) → (far) riposare
God rest his soul! → pace all'anima sua!
to rest one's eyes or gaze on → posare lo sguardo su
b. (support, ladder, bicycle, head) to rest on/againstappoggiare su/contro
3. vi
a. (repose) → riposarsi, riposare
I feel quite rested → mi sento molto riposato
may she rest in peace → riposi in pace
we shall not rest until it is settled → non avremo pace finché la cosa non sarà sistemata
b. (remain) → stare
it rests with him to decide → sta a lui decidere
it doesn't rest with me → non dipende da me
rest assured that ... → stia tranquillo che...
let the argument rest there → lascia le cose come stanno
c. to rest on (perch) → posarsi su; (be supported) → poggiare su, appoggiarsi su (Law) (case) → basarsi su
her head rested on my shoulder → il suo capo era appoggiato alla mia spalla
a heavy responsibility rests on her → ha una grossa responsabilità sulle spalle


2 [rɛst] n (remainder) the rest (of money, substance) → il resto; (of people, things) → gli altri/le altre pl
the rest of them → gli altri
the rest of us will go later → noialtri ci andiamo più tardi
can you carry the rest? → porti tu quello che rimane?
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rest) noun
1. a (usually short) period of not working etc after, or between periods of, effort; (a period of) freedom from worries etc. Digging the garden is hard work – let's stop for a rest; Let's have/take a rest; I need a rest from all these problems – I'm going to take a week's holiday.
2. sleep. He needs a good night's rest.
3. something which holds or supports. a book-rest; a headrest on a car seat.
4. a state of not moving. The machine is at rest.
1. to (allow to) stop working etc in order to get new strength or energy. We've been walking for four hours – let's stop and rest; Stop reading for a minute and rest your eyes; Let's rest our legs.
2. to sleep; to lie or sit quietly in order to get new strength or energy, or because one is tired. Mother is resting at the moment.
3. to (make or allow to) lean, lie, sit, remain etc on or against something. Her head rested on his shoulder; He rested his hand on her arm; Her gaze rested on the jewels.
4. to relax, be calm etc. I will never rest until I know the murderer has been caught.
5. to (allow to) depend on. Our hopes now rest on him, since all else has failed.
6. (with with) (of a duty etc) to belong to. The choice rests with you.
ˈrestful adjective
1. bringing rest. a restful holiday.
2. (of colours, music etc) causing a person to feel calm and relaxed. Some people find blue a restful colour; After a hard day's work, I like to listen to some restful music.
3. relaxed. at rest: The patient seems more restful now.
ˈrestfully adverb
ˈrestfulness noun
ˈrestless adjective
1. always moving; showing signs of worry, boredom, impatience etc. a restless child; He's been doing the same job for years now and he's beginning to get restless.
2. during which a person does not sleep. a restless night.
ˈrestlessly adverb
ˈrestlessness noun
ˈrest-room noun
(American) a toilet in a theatre, factory etc.
at rest
free from pain, worry etc.
come to rest
to stop moving. The ball came to rest under a tree.
lay to rest
to bury (someone) in a grave.
let the matter rest
to stop discussing etc a matter.
rest assured
to be certain. You may rest assured that we will take your views into consideration.
set someone's mind at rest
to take away a person's worries about something.


(rest) : the rest
1. what is left when part of something is taken away, finished etc. the rest of the meal.
2. all the other people, things etc. Jack went home, but the rest of us went to the cinema.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


راحَة, يَسْتَريحُ odpočívat, zbytek hvile (sig), rest Pause, ruhen αναπαύομαι, υπόλοιπο reposar, reposo, resto lepo, levätä repos, se reposer odmoriti se, ostatak riposare, riposo 休み, 休む 나머지, 쉬다 rest, uitrusten hvile, rest odpocząć, odpoczynek descansar, descansar-se, resto отдых, отдыхать vila, vilopaus การพักผ่อน, พักผ่อน dinlenme, dinlenmek nghỉ ngơi, phần còn lại 休息
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. descanso, reposo; residuo, resto;
___ curecura de reposo;
v. decansar, reposar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n descanso, reposo; (remaining portion) demás, resto; the rest of the pills..las demás pastillas..el resto de las pastillas; at — en reposo; bed — reposo en cama; bowel — descanso or reposo del intestino; vt apoyar; Rest your arm here..Apoye su brazo aquí; vi descansar, reposar
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.