neural plate

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Related to neural plate: neural crest, notochord

neural plate

A thickened plate of dorsal ectoderm that differentiates into the neural tube and neural crest.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Borodinsky challenged that view and demonstrated that neural plate glutamate signaling in clawed frogs is present and necessary for neural tube formation.
Myeloschisis is when the incomplete closure of the primary neural plate results in a cleft spinal cord with the edges flush with the defect.
The embryonic neural plate and neural tube are formed from neuroepithelial (NE) cells.
In this stage, the arterial pattern shows a well-formed subclavian artery running in front of the neural plate. The neural plate is divided in anterior and posterior.
A recent study showed that expression of notochord-specific genes with multiple and single functional Brachyury binding sites begins around the early gastrula and neural plate stages, respectively, and expression of indirect targets of Brachyury begins around the early neurula stage.
Description: NHMUK 44178b is a neural plate. It is relatively wide, its length about 12% greater than its width.
However, the neural plate and heart are known to develop during the first trimester, and it is recognized that this is the critical period of sensitivity for induction of defects due to toxicological insult (Rogers and Kavlock 2008).
During the 2nd week of gestation, ectodermal cells proliferate near the midline of the embryo, forming the neural plate. At approximately day 17 of gestation, the neural plate invaginates and the lateral portions thicken, forming the neural folds.
At the end of the third week, the notochord initiates the differentiation of ectodermal cells into specialised neuro-ectoderm and the neural plate subsequently folds to form a tube.
During the closure of the ascidian neural tube, the epidermis surrounding the neural plate moves toward the midline to close the neural fold.

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