Great Ouse

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Great Ouse

(Placename) See Ouse1
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. Also called Great Ouse. a river in E England flowing NE to the Wash. 160 mi. (260 km) long.
2. a river in NE England, in Yorkshire, flowing SE to the Humber. 57 mi. (92 km) long.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Scientists and campaigners, including Harry Potter star Bonnie Wright, sampled points along the rivers Exe, Thames, Severn, Great Ouse, Trent, Mersey, Aire, Derwent, Wear, Conwy, Wye, Clyde and Lagan.
Water samples were collected at 30 points on the Mersey, Exe, Thames, Severn, Great Ouse, Trent, Aire, Derwent, Wear, Conwy, Wye, Clyde and Lagan.
Scientists and campaigners, including Harry Potter star Bonnie Wright, sampled points along the rivers Exe, Thames, Conwy, Wye, Severn, Great Ouse, Trent, Mersey, Aire, Derwent, Wear, Clyde and Lagan.
Cracknell, who described his selection for the 2019 event as "arguably my proudest achievement in rowing", trained on the River Great Ouse at Ely, Cambridgeshire on Tuesday.
A public meeting is being held next month to discuss what action will be taken next following a high-profile pollution incident earlier this year which affected a large stretch of the River Great Ouse near Buckingham.
THREE crews from Loughborough Boat Club have competed in the annual 'Great Ouse Marathon', a rowing race starting at Denver Sluice near Downham Market and finishing at Ely.
Bedfordshire police looking for a man missing in the Great Ouse on Friday found a body last night.
And cops were still looking for a man who got into difficulties in the River Great Ouse, Bedfordshire, on Friday.
These waters include Waveney, Stour, Alde/Ore, upper and lower Thames, Lark, Great Ouse, Granta and Cam, Wye, Otter, Colne, Severn and Scotland's Great Glen Trail.
The Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterway Trust wants to build the 26km canal from the River Great Ouse in Bedford through Marston Vale to the Grand Union Canal in Milton Keynes.
ZANDERS are east European predators brought to England in 1963 when the former Great Ouse River Authority started a national row by putting 97 small ones in the Ouse Relief Channel.

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