great organ

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Related to great organ: Pipe organs

great organ

(Instruments) the full name for great21
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"When we were coming home from Lausanne my uncle took us to hear the great organ at Freiberg, and it made me sob."
It is vast, and has colonnades of noble pillars, and a great organ, and the customary pomp of gilded moldings, pictures, frescoed ceilings, and so forth.
No practiced eye observing the peculiar bluish pallor of his complexion, and the marked difficulty with which he drew his breath, could have failed to perceive that the great organ of life was in this man, what the housekeeper had stated it to be, too weak for the function which it was called on to perform.
Not satisfied with questions, he carefully examined the great organs of life.
Could they save the great organ; could they protect the high altar depicting the body of Jesus descending from the cross?
Playing an exciting and varied programme of orchestral transcriptions and great organ works, the concert promises to be a spectacular showcase for both the Manchester-based musician's undoubted skill and the excellent Harrison and Harrison organ.
This year's programme features a welcome return from Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Owain Arwel Hughes CBE, and includes a performance on the Hall's great organ!
Igor returns to Birmingham on July 19, when his recital at Symphony Hall includes various arrangements for piano (Brahms' left-hand transcription of the famous Bach Chaconne, Liszt's arrangement of the Parsifal Holy Grail march by his son-in-law Wagner, and Busoni's arrangement of Liszt's great organ fantasy and fugue Ad nos, ad salutarem), as well as a selection of Shostakovich's 24 Preludes, and the absorbing Sonata by Alban Berg.
"Cry Little Sister,'' by Gerard McMann: Another excerpt from a favorite soundtrack: The cult-favorite '80s vampire flick, "Lost Boys.'' Gothic and sinister sounding, there's an operatic quality to this song that's vaguely chilling, along with some great organ work that really drives home the monster movie connection.
Bach's great organ works today is a venturous, hazardous even, act.

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