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(Pharmacology) trademark a barbiturate, a brand of amobarbital, used as a sedative and hypnotic
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Amytal - the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturateAmytal - the sodium salt of amobarbital that is used as a barbiturate; used as a sedative and a hypnotic
amobarbital - a barbiturate with sedative and hypnotic effects; used to relieve insomnia and as an anticonvulsant
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References in periodicals archive ?
Jordy himself had been given the controversial sedative sodium amytal by his dentist father during a tooth extraction, which is when Evan claimed his son started disclosing the sexual abuse claims.
The fake document does list a variety of drugs -- Dilaudid, Percodan, Amytal, Quaalude, Dexedrine and Biphetamine -- that Nichopoulos prescribed for Presley, Snopes said.
Drug Brand Names Amantadine * Symmetrel Flumazenil * Romazicon Amobarbital * Amytal Fluoxetine * Prozac Aripiprazole * Ability Fluvoxamine * Luvox Azithromycin * Zithromax Levetiracetam * Keppra Baclofen * Lioresal Lithium * Eskalith, Lithobid Benztropine-Cogentin Lorazepam * Ativan Carbamazepine * Memantine * Namenda Carbatrol, Tegretol Methylphenidate * Ritalin Carbidopa/levodopa * Minocycline * Minocin Sinemet Olanzapine * Zyprexa Ciprofloxacin * Cipro Risperidone * Risperdal Clozapine-Clozaril Succinylcholine * Anectine Dantrolene * Dantrium Topiramate * Topamax Dexamethasone * Decadron Trihexyphenidyl * Artane Dextromethorphan/ Valproate * Depakote quinidine * Neudexta Ziprasidone * Geodon Diazepam * Valium Zolpidem * Ambien Disulfiram * Antabuse References
There, she says, Milner gave her sodium amytal, a barbiturate derivative with sedativehypnotic properties.
The psychiatrist and hospital chief superintendent is alleged to have injected children with the 'truth serum' sodium amytal before sexually abusing them.
Dying in a "misadventure" involving alcohol and sodium amytal tablets.
The psychiatrist gave me a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and prescribed lithium, methotrimeprazine, sodium amytal, haloperidol, and chlorpromazine.
The company's biggest selling products include Iletin, Amytal, Methiolate, Prozac and Ceclor.
(245) What a person says under the influence of sodium amytal may be no more reliable than what he says under the influence of large amounts of alcohol.
The Wada test, or intra-carotid amytal procedure (IAP), has been considered the gold standard for lateralising language.