A320210243 - Eka Nur Sukrisna - Lexico Grammar E

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Name : Eka Nur Sukrisna

NIM : A320210243
Class : E

Text Analysis Attitude is Everything

MOOD (Deklaratif, Interrogatif , atau Imperatif )

NO “Attitude is Teks Analisys with MOOD

Everything”text methode of lexico

1. 1. Keller emphasises the enormous 1. Declarative

power of positive thought and 2. Declarative
The Power of how it can affect our everyday 3. Declarative
Positive Thinking lives.
2. We may overcome problems,
attract opportunities, and live a
life full of joy and fulfilment by
adopting a positive mindset and
embracing positivity.
3. I have personally experienced
the power of positive thinking, I
hope you could adopt, and
implement it in your life too.

2. 1. One of the key messages of the 1. Declarative

book is that we have the ability 2. Declarative
Taking to choose our attitude in any 3. Declarative
Responsibility for given situation. 4. Imperative
Our Attitude 2. Keller highlights the importance
of taking responsibility for our
thoughts, emotions, and
3. By recognizing that our attitude
is within our control, we can
empower ourselves to make
positive changes and achieve
greater success.
4. Its on us how to deal with the
situation, postively or
NO “Attitude is Teks Analisys with MOOD
Everything”text methode of lexico

3. 1. The book encourages readers to 1. Declarative

identify and challenge their 2. Declarative
Shifting Limiting limiting beliefs 3. Declarative
Beliefs 2. Keller provides practical
strategies to reframe negative
beliefs and replace them with
empowering ones.
3. By transforming our beliefs, we
can unlock our true potential and
open doors to new possibilities.

4. 1. Keller emphasizes the 1. Declarative

significance of developing a 2. Declarative.
Developing a winning mindset.
Winning Attitude 2. Through real-life stories and
actionable advice, he guides 3. Declarative
readers in adopting a mindset of
success, resilience, and
3. By cultivating a winning
mindset, we can overcome
obstacles, stay focused on our
goals, and achieve remarkable

5. 1. Goal setting is a fundamental 1. Declarative

aspect of personal development 2. Declarative
The Importance of and success, and this book 3. Declarative
Goal Setting recognizes its significance. 4. Declarative
2. Keller outlines effective goal-
setting techniques and
emphasizes the importance of
aligning our attitude with our
3. By setting clear, meaningful
goals and maintaining a positive
attitude towards them, we can
increase our motivation and turn
our dreams into reality.
NO “Attitude is Teks Analisys with MOOD
Everything”text methode of lexico

4. Goal setting and how to get there

are also included in your goal.
6. 1. Fear and resistance to change 1. Declarative
can hinder our progress and 2. Declarative
Overcoming Fear limit our potential. 3. Declarative
and Embracing 2. “Attitude Is Everything” 4. Declarative
Change explores techniques for
overcoming fear and embracing
change with a positive attitude.
3. By reframing fear as an
opportunity for growth and
being open to change, we can
break free from our comfort
zones and achieve personal and
professional breakthroughs.
4. I would say that you will start

enjoying more out of your

comfort zone.

7. 1. Gratitude is a powerful tool for 1. Declarative

2. Declarative
Practicing transforming our attitude and 3. Declarative
Gratitude and 4. Declarative
Appreciation enhancing our overall well- 5. Declarative
6. Declarative
being. 7. Declarative

2. Keller highlights the importance

of practicing gratitude and

appreciating the blessings in our


3. By cultivating an attitude of
NO “Attitude is Teks Analisys with MOOD
Everything”text methode of lexico

gratitude, we can shift our focus

towards the positive aspects of

life, increase our happiness, and

attract more reasons to be


4. Our attitude is contagious. The

people around us are affected by

our attitude, so it’s important to

be mindful of how we’re acting

and speaking.

5. A positive attitude is not about

being happy all the time. It’s

about choosing to see the good

in every situation, even the

tough ones.

6. A positive attitude is not a

destination, it’s a journey.

7. We have to work at it every day,

but it’s worth it.

NO “Attitude is Teks Analisys with MOOD
Everything”text methode of lexico

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