NSTP Module 4 Leadership

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Tuguegarao City


Overview/Introduction Leadership is the highest potent quality of an individual to

be greatly successful in life. It is the key dynamic factor that
can encourage one to actively participate in many ventures
that lead to the attainment of goals. It is also they key force
to developing teamwork to ensure completion of common
goals or purpose.
It is in this premise that the youth, in their role as a nation-
builders, must potentials such as knowledge, skills, and
positive attitude to ensure efficiently and effectiveness in
their goals and developed the spirit and ethics of service for
the good of others. Hence, the need for training the youth to
be servant leaders is very essential.

Learning Objectives At the end of the discussion, the student will be able to:
1. Identify his potentials as a leader
2. Utilize this potentials to direct his behavior for
greater motivation and as a good example to his


Leadership is a process of giving control, guidance, headship, direction and governance

to a group or organization. It is a key dynamic factor that motivates and coordinates
organization’s to accomplish their objectives. Without being inspired by a leader, the whole
organization or a department might drift along with no definite focus on key objectives such as
trying to improve the worker’s safety.

Leadership is an art of influencing and directing others to do assigned tasks or goals, in

such a way as to attain organizational goals.

Leader as a guide is one who assume the role of a director, organizer, mentor, guru or

Leader as a front runner is one who can spearhead, shading light, a trailblazer and

Leader as a head is one who can be called as chief, manager, principal, boss and superior

Servant Leadership
Is a kind of servanthood and done as a sense of vocation. It also implies stewardship of
good citizenship and community. It is a means of serving others more than oneself.

Principles of Servant Leadership

According to Spears (2002) the following are the principles of servant leadership:

1. Listening. The servant leader seek to identify the will of the group and helps clarify that
will. He or she will seek to listen receptively to what is being said

2. Empathy. The servant leader strives to understand and emphasize with others. People
needs to be accepted and recognized for their special unique spirits.

3. Healing. One of the greatest strengths of a servant leader is the potential of healing one’s
self and others because many people have broken spirits and have suffered from a variety
of emotional hurts.

4. Awareness. It aids one in understanding issues involving ethics and values and view
most situations from a more integrated and holistic position.

5. Persuasion. Another characteristic of a servant leader is the primary reliance on

persuasion rather than positional authority in making decisions within an organization.

6. Conceptualization. Servant leaders seek to nurture their abilities to “dream great

dreams”. The ability to look problems from a conceptualized perspective means that one
must think beyond today’s realities.

7. Foresight. This enables the servant leaders to understand the lessons from the past, the
realities to the present, and the likely consequence of a decision for the future.

8. Building community. Servant leadership suggest that the true community can be created
among those who work in business and other insititutions.

Seven Habits of Steven Covey

I. Independence or Self-Mastery

Habit 1- Be Proactive - take the initiative in life by realizing that your decisions and
how they align with life’s principles are the primary
determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take
responsibility for your choices and the subsequent
consequences that follow.
Habit 2 – Begin with the End in Mind- Self discovery and clarify your deeply important
character values and life goals. Envision the
characteristics for each of your various roles and
relationships in life.

Habit 3 – Put First Things First - Plan, Prioritize and execute your week’s tasked based
importance rather than urgency. Evaluating if your
efforts exemplify your desired character values, propel
you towards your goals, and enrich the roles and
relationships that were elaborated in Habit 2.

II. Interdependence - The next three have to do with interdependence (i.e. working with

Habit 4 Think Win-Win - Genuinely strive for mutually beneficial solutions or

agreements in your relationships. Valuing and respecting
people by understanding a “win” for all is ultimately a
better long-term resolution than if only one person in the
situation had gotten his way.

Habit 5 – Seek First to Understand than to be Understood. Use empathetic listening

be genuinely influenced by a person, which compels them
to reciprocate the listening and take an open mind to being
influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere of caring,
respect and positive problem solving.

Habit 6 – Synergize – Combine strength of people through positive teamwork, so as

achieve goals no one person could have done alone. Get the
performance out of a group of people through encouraging
meaningful contribution, and modelling inspirational and
supportive leadership.

III. Self-renewal – the last habit relates to self-rejuvenation

Habit 7 - Sharpen the saw - Balance and renew your resources, energy and health to
create a sustainable, long term effective lifestyle.

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