Prerna 2016
Prerna 2016
Prerna 2016
Abstract- Solar energy is available in plentiful amount and probably a s much as SO% with in next 4-7 years [6-7].
it is more important than any other renewable energy sources, There are several types of MPPT algorithm is presented so
it may be utilized to produce electricity through photovoItaic as the maximum output power is always obtained from the
(PV) energy conversion process. This paper briefly describes
PV array which maximize the efficiency of the system [8-9].
the analysis and modelling of both isolated mode and grid
In grid connected mode, synchronization and power control
connected mode of operation of a 100 kW PV system by means
of a suitable control scheme under different load conditions.
technique is required, hence P-Q control strategy in grid
The studied model incorporates perturb and observe based connected photovoltaic system is presented in [10]. The
maximum power point tracking algorithm for the extraction of method of achieving fixed switching frequency, and the
maximum power from the designed PV system. In the grid feedforward control of grid voltage, and a direct current
connected mode of operation, dual loop feedback control control is described in [11]. For the purpose of
strategy is implemented. The simulation is performed under synchronization of frequency in a reference frame phase
the platform of MA TLAB/SIMULINK environment. locked loop is used which is implemented in [12-13].
Controlling of active and reactive power by using converters
Keywords-Boost converter, grid, maximum power point
in both isolated and non-isolated that is grid mode is given
tracking algorithm, photovoItaic system.
in [14].
The paper is aimed for the implementation of 100 kW solar
PV systems in distributed generation and their respective
Conventional energy sources such as gasoline, fossil fuels control strategy. The remaining part of this paper is
etc are facing the problem of gradual depletion, poor summarized as follows. Section II gives a brief description
efficiency, costly and eco unfriendly. These serious issues about the characteristics of PV array. Section III presents
have rendered us with no options other than going for working of the MPPT algorithm. Standalone mode and grid
renewable energy sources to fulfill increased energy connected mode of operation of the PVGS is discussed in
demand. Solar photovoltaic (PV) system is widely used Section IV. Section V shows the simulation results to
because of quick installation and less maintenance cost [1]. illustrate the feasibility of control techniques. Finally
In comparison to other renewable energy sources, the conclusions and references are provided in Section VI and
substantial growth in use of PV based energy sources has VII, respectively.
been observed in the world. It is becoming double in every
two years and expected to reach approximately 4S0 GW of II. PV ARMy MODEL
total capacity by 2017 [2]. By the end of 203S, solar energy The process of direct conversion of solar energy into
will become the main source for global electricity demand. electrical energy is carried out by a solar cell, which is a
The output efficiency of PV module has also increased from basic device for PV based generation system [IS]. The
24% to 30% and in the upcoming years PV technology will equivalent circuit of a solar cell is presented in Fig. 1.
lead the other power generation technology [3]. In the last
ten years, the total investment in the photovoltaic market has
been increased by 20% [4].
Photovoltaic generation system (PVGS) operation is
mainly divided in two modes i.e. standalone mode which is
best utilized in the day time and grid connected mode which
may be utilized for the load operating in night hours when
the solar energy is insufficient. Also the efficiency of the
Fig.1 Equivalent circuit of PV cell for single diode model
PVGS in grid connected mode is improved as it always
operates at maximum power point tracking (MPPT) [S]. In On applying Kirchhoff's current law in the circuit as
the past decade the main market of PV system found in off presented in Fig. 1, the expression for current in PV cell is
grid application. However, now worldwide market of PV obtained which are represented as (1)-(2) , while the
system is in grid connected application, in which power is modified current expression for PV array is presented as (3)
supplied into electrical network. The expansion in use of [16].
solar PV system will ensure a steady decline in its cost,
Ipv = Iph -Id -Ip (1) and frequency under varying loads. Hence, a voltage
regulator is required, which is given in Fig.2.
where, Iph is the current generated due to incident light, In the grid connected operating mode of PVGS as presented
in Fig. 3, the voltage and frequency need not to be
Ipv is the current through load, Id is the current through controlled as it gets locked with the voltage and frequency
diode, Ip is the current through shunt element, 10 is the of the grid. Rather, focused is made to design a proper
control module which may govern the power sharing
leakage current of diode, k is the Boltzmann constant , Vpv is between the PVGS and the grid. For this, dual control loop
method (outer and inner control loop) as proposed in [19]
the load voltage, C is the number of solar cells of a PV
has been adopted in the present work.
module, Nsv is the number of PV module in series , Npv is
the number of PV module in parallel, q is the charge of an
electron, a is the diode ideality factor, Rs is the series
resistance and Rp is the shunt resistance of the PV system.
characteristic curves of PV array at constant temperature
(25°C) and at different irradiation is displayed in Fig. 4.
From Fig. 4, it may be observed that as the irradiation level
increases, power output of the PV array also increases.
D.. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
ii: PV Volta!je(V}
°C -T�50 °c o
-T�2.5 -T�75 °c -T�100 C
Table I. Data sheet for KC200GT PV Module
Parameter Values Fig.5 Profiles of PV characteristics (a) I-V and (b) P-V
Power at MPP,(Impp 200W
power tracked by MPPT algorithm also increases.
; w � ,
No. of cells, ( C ) 54
� '��I.' I
Open circuit voltage, ( Voc ) 32.9V
800 /m'
Short Circuit current,(Ise ) 8.21A
� 500
0 2 3 4 5 6
: 1 =1
� :
: ----
: :--
-'- 1 2 3
4 5 6
a) Dynamic peiformance ofstandalone PVGS the power demand (i.e. 50 kW) is met by the grid. It is
The dynamic performance of standalone PVGS for different observed that throughout the simulation the voltage at the
load condition is represented by Fig.7. The simulation is DC link (presented in Fig. 8(a)) is maintained at constant)
performed for t 2 5 sec. The simulation started with pure
and the MPPT helps to keep the output power from PVGS
resistive load of 50 kW at t =0 sec. At t =1 sec, at this time
always at 100 kW inspite of varying load conditions.
load is increased to 90 kW, again at t l.5 sec, it is switched
Another case of the power sharing between the PVGS and
back to 50 kW. It can be viewed that as the value of load is
increased t =1 sec, load current also increases from 65.6 A grid following load demand is considered and presented in
to 117.9 A but load voltage remains constant at 440 V (refer Fig. 8(c), to show the proper working of the designed PVGS
Fig.7 (a)). In the whole process, DC link voltage and under grid connected mode of operation.
modulation index remains constant with only slight
fluctuation during changing of load. In second case, i.e Fig.7
(i fmf' ....' 1
(b) the simulation started with pure 50 kW resistive load and
at t =1 sec, an inductive load of 74.83 kVAR is switched on
following which current increases from 65.6 A to 143.4 A
and load voltage remains constant in this case as well, '
increase in current in inductive load is more than resistive o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
load because of poor power factor due to inductive nature of '
l� ; ; ;:: : : ; ; l
load. x 10
� :
b) Dynamic peiformance of grid connected PVGS
power sharing between source, load and grid under different -2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
load condition is explored in this case and the results
obtained is portrayed in Fig. 8. The simulation is carried out X 10
for t 10 sec. The simulation started with load of 70 kW and
:� , ; ; : : : : ; ; l
at t 3.5 sec it is increased to 150 kW, again at t 7 sec it is �
switched back to 70 kW. It is to be noted from the Fig. 8 (b)
that when load demand (70 kW as shown in Fig. 8(b))
belowl00 kW it is completely met by PVGS and extra -1
power available with the PVGS (i.e. 30 kW) 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
';- - 300
Fig.8 Profile of (a) DC link voltage (b) Power sharing curve (70kW,
Load voltage Load current
� 200 -- --
150kW) (c) Power sharing curve (20kW,60kW)
� 8 0��==:::;:=
: =::'==�===;::=�
o 0.5 1.5 2 2.5
;rmr'::: I
functioning of different control actions adopted. The MPPT
that is based on P&O algorithm is realized with a view to
obtain the maximum power output from the designed
.5 --�---1�.5--�2--�2.5
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